Здравейте, приятели! Тъй като вече почти преполовихме месец март, за мен пролетта е вече тук (въпреки няколкото дъждовни дни тази седмица). Честно казано, наистина нямам търпение да е топло и приятно за разходки навън. А освен това държа, да се отърва от дебелите зимни дрехи и якета. Днешният пост е свеж и с привкус от детсвото ми (90’те), когато обожавах да нося пластмасови гривни в различни цветове, големи пръстени с цветя и шапки с козирка, а да не говорим за пастелната комбинация от розово и бебешко синьо. Любимо! Акцентът днес, както споменах са аксесоарите. Свежи, стилни и много нежни. В колекцията “90-те” на SIX Accessories преобладаващи са пастелните нюанси и дънковите материи (но за тях в друг пост). Избрах да съчетая спортна суитшърт рокля с няколко неангажиращи, но много “хващащи окото” аксесоара. Направо се влюбих в малката дънкова чантичка преминаваща през тялото – удобна, практична и супер шик. Ако искате и вие да добавите щипка щастие от 90-те в аутфитите си, може да откриете тази колекция в магазин SIX – The Mall и Grand Mall Varna.
Hello, guys! We are almost in the middle of March and for me spring is knocking on the door (although some rainy days this week). Honestly, I am really looking forward to warmer days and walking out. Today’s post is fresh, with a hint of my childhood (The 90’s) when I loved to wear plastic bracelets in different colors, rings with large flowers and caps, not to mention the combination of pastel pink and baby blue. Adore it! The focus today are accessories. Fresh, stylish and very cool. In this collection “The 90’s” of SIX Accessories you can find pastels and denim fabrics (but about them in another post). I chose to combine sweatshirt dress with some “eye-catching” accessories. I fell in love with that cute crossbody denim bag – very comfy, practical and super chic. If you like the idea to add a pinch of happiness from the 90’s in your outfits, find this collection in every SIX store worldwide.
pink sweatshirt dress adidas Originals, all accessories SIX;
This pink sweatshirt looks so cute on you! Have a beautiful weekend, Cvety!
This pink sweatshirt looks so cute on you! Have a beautiful weekend, Cvety!
Love combo pink and blue! Super shoot and perfect style! *_*
Love combo pink and blue! Super shoot and perfect style! *_*
I love the color combination in this outfit babe! So pretty with blue and blush and lovely spring vibes. Crazy though that we’re soon halfway through, haha feeling a bit anxious! Xx
I love the color combination in this outfit babe! So pretty with blue and blush and lovely spring vibes. Crazy though that we’re soon halfway through, haha feeling a bit anxious! Xx
I’m totally loving your candy colored accessories. Very cute!
Amazing in this pastel outfit!!
You are so stunning babe!! x
I absolutely adore that hat, can I please have it for Coachella? I love this look, I’m so happy spring is starting to force it’s way in!
U look so beautiful my princess in this outfit…!! I love that ring, its beautiful…that cap is so eye-catchy, ur nails are beautifully done up..! You are indeed a style queen my huni…!! Kisses, Neha
Pretty in pastels! Love your sunnies!
Doused In Pink