Здравейте, приятели! Днес споделям с вас още един аутфит пост, който заснехме в Гърция. От няколко дни го подготвям, но все изкачаха някакви задачки или събития и не успявах да го довърша. Вчера, например, беше откриването на ново кафене Starbucks в София. Нямаше как да пропусна, тъй като съм голям фен на кафето и много харесвам бранда. Ако сте в София, отскочете за едно лате до ъгъла на Съборна и Княз Александър I. Връщайки се на днешния аутфит, споделям с вас едно ново попълнение от Massimo Dutti. Вече споменах (тук), че напоследък много харесвам бранда и смятам, че доста се припокрива със стила ми. Определено имам няколко любими марки, от които не мога да спра да си купувам дрехи. Е, тази е една от тях. Днес погледите се спират върху къса раирана рокля в нежни цветове. Акцентът е синьото. Сливайки дълбоките му и нежни нюанси в една завършена визия. Винаги съм обичала този цвят и често се спирам на него в избора на дрехи и аксесоари. За днешната комбинация освен роклята, избрах обеци със син акцент и тюркоазени обувки от marelbo.com. И не на последно място аромат вдъхновен от аутфита. Изборът ми се спря на най-новия Light Blue Eau Intense на Dolce&Gabbana с ярко изразена цитрусова нотка, която ни отвежда в дълбоките средиземноморски води около остров Капри. Придавайки този италиански лукс, който носи със себе си бранда.
Hello, folks! Today I want to share with you another outfit post from my Greek vacation. I’ve been preparing it for a few days, but I’ve always been up to some tasks or events and I couldn’t finish it till now. Yesterday, for example, was the grand opening of a new Starbucks cafe in Sofia, Bulgaria. I couldn’t miss it because I’m a big fan of coffee and I love the brand. If you are in Sofia, you can check it up its place on st. Saborna and Knyaz Aleksandar I. And now about today’s outfit, I will love to share with you my new addition by Massimo Dutti. I have already mentioned (here) that I’m in love with the brand and I think it matches perfectly my style. Like every woman I do have my fair share of favorite brands from which I can’t stop buying clothes and Massimo Dutti is one of them. Today I choose a striped mini dress in gentle colors. Blue is the accent and combing its deep and delicate shades, completes the whole look. I’ve had always a soft spot for that color and I do prefer it most of the time when I buy clothes and accessories. For today’s combination I also decided to add blue-accented earrings and turquoise casual shoes from marelbo.com. And last but not least, a scent inspired by the outfit. I stopped my attention to Dolce & Gabbana’s latest launched Light Blue Eau Intense with a bright citrus touch that takes us into the deep Mediterranean waters around the island of Capri, offering this Italian luxury that brings to this brand.

shoes Marelbo, striped dress Massimo Dutti, bag SIX, earrings SIX, ankle bracelet SIX, perfume Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Eau Intense;
Location: Potidea Palace Hotel

That stripey dress is beyond cute!! 🙂
Love Starbucks as well.. but I think the one is Sofia bigger than in my little student town! 😛
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
thank you babe
thank you babe
Obsessed with this outfit. Love the shoes you decided to add to this look.
Isn’t That Charming.
thanks a lot
Obsessed with this outfit. Love the shoes you decided to add to this look.
Isn’t That Charming.
That outfit is so so pretty! Love the stripes and the color combination, it’s adorable! Xx
thank you so much
thank you so much
This dress is gorgeous and so are you!
thanks babe
thanks babe
My dear Cvety, you look so pretty! All this photos are so beautiful and I love your dress, the bag, your earrings! All looks great! xoxo
aw you are so kind Ivi! Thank you so much!
aw you are so kind Ivi! Thank you so much!
awesome post! blue looks good on u
thanks dear
thanks dear
Amazing. You look so fashion. The dress is stunning.
thanks dear
thanks dear
Loving how you accessorized this look!
aw thanks Jeanne
aw thanks Jeanne
Beautiful outfit! LOVE your retro blouse! 🙂
thanks dear
thanks dear
You look fabulous hun! The striped dress looks amazing on you. And I’m a big fan of their Blue perfume; haven’t tried it out yet but I’m sure it’s equally amazing! xo~ Lena
the perfume is absolutely amazing indeed, this one is perfect for summer 🙂 thanks for stopping by
the perfume is absolutely amazing indeed, this one is perfect for summer 🙂 thanks for stopping by
Beautiful post! I love your outfit and this perfume looks lovely 🙂
thank you so much dear
thank you so much dear
You are so beautiful!!
queenie bridesmaid
aww thanks dear
aww thanks dear
I love your outfit and you look amazing!
thanks a lot babe
thanks a lot babe
You look gorgeous, I havent visited your blog in a while. I love how your photography has changed.
xox Falasha
Bite My Fashion
Instagram| Bloglovin’| Facebook
thanks a lot dear
Love the colours in the dress so so beautiful.
thanks babe
Lovely photos – your hair looks beautiful! Wonderful post. 🙂
April xx
thanks April
You look so pretty I am loving these photos
thanks Laura
Such a great outfit! I love the dress. Gemma x
thanks Gemma
Such a great outfit! I love the dress. Gemma x
What a lovely place and outfit.
thanks dear
So beautiful! Love this outfit <3
The Fancy Cats
So beautiful! Love this outfit <3
The Fancy Cats
thanks dear
This dress looks so pretty, love it x
thanks Laura
This dress looks so pretty, love it x
Your amazing! Such a beauty babe!
thank you Irish
Your makeup looks stunning. Love your earrings.
Kara Aragon
Your makeup looks stunning. Love your earrings.
Kara Aragon
thanks dear