Здравейте, приятели! Днес ще споделя един малко по-различен и личен пост. От Avon България ми предложиха едно страхотно предизвикателство – да бъда представител на бранда за един ден. Да усетя какво е чувството и да изживея емоциите, които Avon буди у нас. Денят, беше повече от прекрасен, срещнах се с много приятни и усмихнати хора, чух техните истории и разбира се се насладихме на приятна фотосесия. Лично аз, имам продължително наблюдение върху бранда (използвам продукти от много години) и не случайно работим заедно с такова голямо удоволствие. Когато човек обича това, което прави и хората, с които работи, нещата се получават повече от прекрасни.
Hello, guys! Today I will share a bit different and very personal post. Avon Bulgaria proposed me an amazing challenge – to be Avon agent for a day. To feel the emotions of these people. That day was more than wonderful, I met a lot of nice and smiling people, hear their stories and of course we enjoyed a great photo shoot. Personally, I used products of the brand from years and this is the reason that we work with such pleasure. When someone loves his work and the people he works with, things get more than wonderful.
Всъщност, замисляйки се как да направя този пост по-интересен, стигнах до заключението, че това да си представител на Avon е почти еднакво с това да си блогър. Гледайки снимките, които направихме, се вдъхнових да ви разкажа всичко това с три прости думи, които според мен са ключови за щастлив живот.
Усмивка. Да си блогър и представител на Avon е като усмивката. Тя идва с радостния момент и положителните емоции, които черпим в ежедневието си. Тя идва, когато животът ни е изпълнен с красота, с приключения, с мода, със здравословен начин на живот и много други неща, които ни карат да се усмихваме. Това да си блогър или представител на Avon, води до сбъдване на нашите мечти – както в емоционален, така и в личен план, което определено е предпоставка за най-цененото нещо на Земята – усмивката 🙂 Нещо върху, което да помислим: “Усмивката обогатява онези, които я получават, без да отнема от тези, които я дават”.
Smile. Being a blogger and an agent of Avon is like smile. It comes with a joyful moment and positive emotions that draw in our daily lives. It comes when our lives are filled with beauty, adventure, fashion, with a healthy lifestyle and many other things that make us smile. Being a blogger or an agent of Avon makes dream come true – emotionally and personally, which is definitely a prerequisite for most highly valued thing on Earth – a smile 🙂 Something on which to think: “Smile enriches those who receive it, without taking from those who give it. “
Ухание/Аромат. Чувстото да си блогър или представител на Avon е като любимият ви аромат на парфюм, без който не можете да излезете навън. Споделяме личният си опит, съветите и емоциите си по възможно най-докосващия начин, за да достигнат съзнанието ви. Да почерпите вдъхновение, с което да покажете своята индивидуалност пред целия свят.
Fragrance / Scent. Feel to be a blogger or an agent of Avon is like your favorite scent of perfume, without which you can not get out. We share personal experiences, advice and emotions in the most touching way to reach your consciousness. To inspire you, to show your personality to the all world.
Музика. Музиката изразява душата на един човек. Музиката има силата както да ви развесели, така и да ви натъжи. Може да ви успокои или пък да ви ядоса. Тя е толкова разнообразна и има толкова много разновидности, че дори нямаме възможност да се насладим на всички тях. За музикантите, музиката е начин да изразят себе си. Това да си блогър или представител на Avon е също начин да изразиш себе си. Да, понякога е възможно да ядосаш някой, друг път да го развеселиш, но преди всичко трябва да приемем факта, че сме хора. А хората са различни…а музиката, тя е едно от най-ценните нематериални богатства.
Music. Music is the soul of a person. Music has the power to cheer you up and make you sad. To make you angry or relaxed. It has so many various that we don’t even have the opportunity to enjoy them all. For musicians, music is a way to express themselves. Being a blogger or an agent of Avon is also a way to express yourself. Yes, sometimes it is possible someone to get angry, sometimes you can make him happy, but we all must accept the fact that we are people. And the people are different … and the music, it is one of the most valuable immaterial riches.
Тук много от вас си задават въпроса – защо го правят? Какво печели един блогър или представител на Avon?! Разбира се, има и материална печалба. Но това, заради което го правим са усмивките, уханията и музиката, които изпълват животa ни.
Many of you are asking – why they do it? What won a blogger or an agent of Avon ?! Of course, there is a material gain. But we do it for all of the smiles, scents and music that fill our live.
MUA Alina Manova
Hair Stoyan Kunev
Stylist Antoniya Yordanova
Congrats on this!! You look so beautiful!
thanks Tina
Congrats on this!! You look so beautiful!
This is great! Congrats buddy. Thanks for sharing and check out our latest blog post!
EyeSeeEuphoria | http://www.eyeseeeuphoria.com
thanks a lot
This is great! Congrats buddy. Thanks for sharing and check out our latest blog post!
EyeSeeEuphoria | http://www.eyeseeeuphoria.com
Waaw ! That’s so nice ! Congrats 🙂
thanks dear
Waaw ! That’s so nice ! Congrats 🙂
Congrats girl! You look beautiful!
thanks Siffat
Congrats girl! You look beautiful!
Congrats dear and loved the pictures ?
thank you
Congrats dear and loved the pictures ?
wow! congrats dear
<<< fashion blogger italia >>>
thanks dear
wow! congrats dear
<<< fashion blogger italia >>>
Congratulations. . . And that is wonderful. . . 🙂
thanks a lot
Congratulations. . . And that is wonderful. . . 🙂
Congrats! And these photos are wonderful
thanks dear
Congrats! And these photos are wonderful
The pictures are fantastic! Seems like a fun experience!
thank you dear
The pictures are fantastic! Seems like a fun experience!
How exciting and what a great experience! I love this dress on you by the way; super colourful land perfect for summer 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x
thanks a lot Gabrielle
How exciting and what a great experience! I love this dress on you by the way; super colourful land perfect for summer 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x
Cute post and amazing dress!
Cute post and amazing dress!
I love Avon products , i have their lipstick in red and there’s a perfume i used to have from Avon,i can’t remember the name but the smell is heavenly . Great post and really cool ambassadors.
thanks for stopping by dear
I love Avon products , i have their lipstick in red and there’s a perfume i used to have from Avon,i can’t remember the name but the smell is heavenly . Great post and really cool ambassadors.
I remember Avon from when I was a young child. Sounds like a great fit! Congrats! 🙂
thanks Miki
I remember Avon from when I was a young child. Sounds like a great fit! Congrats! 🙂
Congrats dear!! Beautiful photos!!
Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Congrats dear!! Beautiful photos!!
Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Congrats!! You are stunning on the pics!
Congrats!! You are stunning on the pics!
thank you
congrats sweetie! kiss
This must have Been a great challenge . You look so pretty In the pics . I wish they do something like this here too .
New post on my blog . Do drop by soon <3
thanks for sweet comment beautiful
Lovely pictures, such a lovely dress! Xx
Lovely pictures, such a lovely dress! Xx
thanks dear
Поздравления, Цвети! Фотосесията е страхотна, но най-много ми харесва описанието и съпоставката между двете неща.
Поздравления, Цвети! Фотосесията е страхотна, но най-много ми харесва описанието и съпоставката между двете неща.
Радвам се, че ти е харесала статията 🙂
Много хубав и вдъхновяващ пост. Много ми харесаха метафорите, които си използвала – наистина е така с блогърството 🙂
Благодаря ти, за милите думи. Означават много за мен, радвам се, че има хора, които могат да оценят поста!
Много хубав и вдъхновяващ пост. Много ми харесаха метафорите, които си използвала – наистина е така с блогърството 🙂
Amazing pictures! You look so pretty Cvety! Congrats that Avon has chosen you! xoxo
Thanks Ivi
Amazing pictures! You look so pretty Cvety! Congrats that Avon has chosen you! xoxo
Very inspiring post and you look fab!
Very inspiring post and you look fab!
thanks dear
Avon is a very good brand Cvetina! Love your beautiful stripes dress!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for your visit,
Eniwhere Fashion
Bloglovin of Eniwhere Fashion
Avon is a very good brand Cvetina! Love your beautiful stripes dress!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for your visit,
Eniwhere Fashion
Bloglovin of Eniwhere Fashion
thanks Eni
Avon has been around for years and is all over the globe. Trusted brand. Beautiful dress here. 🙂
thank dear
Great opportunity! You look beautiful! I love the dress
thank you
Congrats on the opportunity! These photos are so adorable. 🙂
Looks by Lau
thanks dear
thanks dear
These pics are amazing doll, what a wonderful opportunity! Congratulations!
Congrats on becoming an Avon amanbassador! Great job 🙂 the pictures turned out so fun!
conscious lifestyle of mine
thanks Larissa
thanks Larissa
Congrats! You look beautiful!
Smile enriches those who receive it without taking away from those who give it. So very true and I love that. Congratulations. You are glowing!
thanks a lot dear
thanks a lot dear
Girrrl could you be any more beautiful? If you were my avon ambassador I would buy absolutely everything as you look incredible
Rachel xx
thankss Rachel, you are so sweet
thankss Rachel, you are so sweet
congrats doll!! beautiful pics!
blog: http://www.fashi0n-m0de.blogspot.it
youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCq_Aya-v4acfRK4qUYgi6vA
Congratulations! What a great opportunity. Looks like you had so much fun taking these great photos. You look fab.
thanks Ramona
thanks Ramona
That’s amazing! Congratulations on this awesome opportunity! You look beautiful in the photos! Avon has so many cool products. This is really awesome, thanks for sharing!
~Andrea Tiffany~
thanks dear
thanks dear
Wow! This is such a wonderful opportunity for you! Congrats! Thanks for your wonderful comment on Qing’s Style Please always keep in touch, I would love to hear from you!
Follow me @qingsstyle on Instagram and Twitter!
Whatever the reason Cvety these photos look so wonderful and beautiful. Avon was something I used many years ago but I remember how amazing their products were. Also one of my fave perfumes ever were by them too
thanks for stopping by Sonia
thanks for stopping by Sonia
Well done lovely and you look amazing here! x
VanessaVonJames | Fashion Blog
These photos are nice! Love the bright backdrop and I agree that music is the soul of a person. Love it!
Violet Roots || Instagram || Twitter
thanks M
thanks M
Congrats and you look so beautiful in these pictures!
Bella Pummarola
thanks you
Congrats! You look so stunning and gorgeous as always ❤️
<3 | X ALY | Latest: Golden Light – Style Post | ft. Off the shoulder
thanks dear
thanks dear