Здравейте, приятели, днес споделям един по-драматичен пост от съвместната ни работа с Goto Jewellery and Diamonds и Miroslava Dermendjieva Photography. Тъй като скоро наближават балове, реших малко да го позабавя. С настъпването на този момент всички млади дами започват да си търсят “уникалната рокля” и като че ли всички други детайли остават на по-заден план. Всъщност аз бях точно обратния случай на моя бал. Мечтаех за семпла, изчистена и стилна рокля и бях насочила вниманието си към елегантните и красиви бижута. За това заложих на дълга черна рокля, която след бала неколкократно ми влезе отново в употреба. Роклята няма да видите в този пост, но пък тук сме избрали две други, които много се доближават до това, за което говоря. Най-голямо внимание в онзи момент обърнах на бижутата, за мен те са най-важната част за перфектния завършек на стилната визия. Винаги подбирайте бижутата си, отделяйте повече внимание на тях, в крайна сметка те остават завинаги и може да ги слагате на много други поводи след това. Започваме с позната от миналите постове (вижте ТУК) италианска марка Aurora Lurex и едно абсолютно невероятно колие с уникална изработка от материала лурекс, сребро и мурано стълко.
Hello, guys, today I’ll share with you the last post of our collab with Goto Jewellery and Diamonds and Miroslava Dermendjieva Photography, a bit dramatic than previous ones. Soon here in Bulgaria are graduation proms. At my prom, I dreamed of a simple, elegant and stylish dress, about that I paid more attention of the beautiful jewelry. I choose a long evening black gown by Cavalli. You can not see it, but we have chosen two others who are very close to mine. For me jewels are the most important part of the classy look. We start with the Italian brand Aurora Lurex (read more about the brand here). Gorgeous necklace made from lurex, silver and Murano glass. Absolutely unique piece.

dress/рокля Elisabetta Franchi
necklace Goto Jewellery and Diamonds HERE/ТУК

Качество, стил, класа, самоувереност и женственост! Не случайно избрах да завърша поста си именно с тази колекция бижута. Всяка жена обича диамантите, нали?! Избрали сме за вас едни невероятни обеци и пръстен изработени от злато 14к с диаманти и сапфири. Колекцията е на турската марка Хемера, която е един от най-големите производители на златни бижута в световен мащаб. Бижутата се различават с разкошен, разчупен дизайн и елегантна визия, в изключително качествено изпълнение. А чувството да си с тях е просто неописуемо!
Quality, style, class, confidence and femininity! I not accidentally chose to finish the post with this amazing jewelry collection. Every woman loves diamonds, right ?! We have chosen for you amazing earrings and ring made of 14k gold with diamonds and sapphires. The collection is of the Turkish brand Hemera, which is one of the largest producers of gold jewelry worldwide. Jewelry is gorgeous, modern and elegant in exceptionally high-quality performance. A sense to wear these beauties is simply indescribable!

in collaboration with Goto Jewellery and Diamonds
photography by Miroslava Dermendjieva

you look stunning in the pictures 🙂 no doubt the photography is great
thanks Purva
Classic and beautiful darling!
thanks beautiful
Gorgeous photos! Loving the long dress so so so much 🙂
thanks Lu
I’ve never seen it before, the little “three minute read” thing at the top of your post, but I love it, it’s such a great idea.
Beautiful photos, and you’re right, every girl loves diamonds.
Little Moon Elephant
thanks dear
thanks dear
Wow, these photos are stunning!!! Very dramatic <3
Beautiful pictures Cvety! xoxo
thanks Ivi
thanks Ivi
Stunning and so glam! Gorgeous jewels
Well all I can say is you are ready to go to the Oscars, this would be in all the top 10 Red Carpet Looks, fab hon! ( :
aw you are so sweet! Thank you so much for the kind words!
Woww this photos are incredible – you’re a stunner! x
thanks Bibi
Stunning photoshoot 🙂
thanks Anu
you are stunning! I love the dress
thanks Alessandra
You always have great pics, but these ones are extraordinary! 🙂
Fabulous! 🙂
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
thanks dear
You always have great pics, but these ones are extraordinary! 🙂
Fabulous! 🙂
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
LOVELY and stunning images dear! 🙂 ♥♥♥
Photography & Fashion Blog
Sooo inspiring! <3
Mani Piñeiro
thank you
thank you
You look gorge doll 🙂
Check out my latest post, if you get a min xxx
thanks Tania
thanks Tania
Love your editorial shoot! Classy and vintage!
Aly In Wanderland | ^_^ | alyinwanderland.com
xx Alyssa
thanks Aly
thanks Aly
Loved the photoshoot! You look gorgeous! xo, Sophia from http://www.sistersandglitters.com/
Love the photography. Thanks for sharing and have an awesome weekend.
Eye See Euphoria | http://blog.eyeseeeuphoria.com/2016/05/18/ultimate-eyewear-allied-metal-works/
thank you so much
thank you so much
Stunning photographs! Such a beautiful editorial shoot.
Laura xo
thanks Laura
thanks Laura
Stunning photographs! Such a beautiful editorial shoot.
Laura xo
What a stunning photo shoot dear. You look radiant and marvellous. xx <3 /Madison
Beauty Bathing
What a stunning photo shoot dear. You look radiant and marvellous. xx <3 /Madison
Beauty Bathing
thanks Madison
thanks Madison
Pretty!! You are stunning in these pics!
Pretty!! You are stunning in these pics!
beautiful styling! I love the atmosphere!
Twisted Mouse
beautiful styling! I love the atmosphere!
Twisted Mouse
thanks dear
thanks dear
amazing looks!! I like your style…
amazing looks!! I like your style…
Wow, stunning pictures!
Happy Friday Doll!!
Wow, stunning pictures!
Happy Friday Doll!!
Stunning cocktail dress! It’s perfect for your figure.
Stunning cocktail dress! It’s perfect for your figure.