Здравейте, приятели, днес ще ви разкажа за едно прекрасно изживяване, което ми се случи благодарение на това, че съм блогър и благодарение на вас, че ме подкрепяте в това начинание. Имах удоволствието да работя с 12 mag, Avon Bulgaria и още 3 прекрасни момичета/блогърки в представянето на новата ребрандирана колекция Luxe на Avon. Зададоха ми един въпрос: Какво е луксът за мен? Първите неща, които ми идват на ум са гледката към пристанището на Монако, казиното и хотел Париж в Монте Карло, улиците с бутикови магазини в Кан и още много красиви места по света, които се отъждестяват с лукса. Луксът за мен е възможността да си позволиш да се насладиш на тези неща. Ще си кажете какво общо има това с цялата бюти статия? Е, няма много, но идеята ми е такава, че когато погледна нещо, искам да съм удовлетворена от видяното и тук се чувствам точно така. Лично за мен изчистените и стилни неща са луксозни, колкото по-семпло е нещо, толкова повече ми харесва. Обожавам златистото, а още повече черно. Това е любимата ми комбинация и много често виждате, че избирам златни аксесоари към черното си облекло. За да не става много дълъг поста, продължавам с продуктите. Като цяло са добре познатите ни фон дьо тен, пудра, сенки, но има и два нови продукта, които са страхотни. Първият е червило с невероятен блясък, който е идеално допълниние към елегантния ви аутфит, вторият е спирала + укрепващ и подхранващ серум за мигли. Смятам добра идея, за пускане на два продукта в едно, определено е по-удобно. Моят любим продукт от серията е пудрата.
Hello, guys, today I will tell you for my wonderful experience that happened to me because you support my work, thank you about that. I had the pleasure to work with 12 mag, Avon Bulgaria and another 3 gorgeous girls / bloggers in the presentation of the new rebranding Luxe collection by Avon. They asked me a question: What is the luxe for me? The first things that come to my mind are the views of the harbor of Monaco, the casino and Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo, streets with boutiques in Cannes and many beautiful places in the world that identify the luxury. Luxe for me is the ability to afford and to enjoy of these things. I should be satisfied with what I see. For me personally, clean and stylish are the luxury things, more simple something is, the more I like it. I love gold, and even more black. This is my favorite combination, and often you can see similar combos in my outfits.Okay, I will continue with the products. They are generally well-known foundation, powder, eye shadows and also two new beauties. The first one is a lipstick with incredible shine, which is an ideal supplement to your elegant outfit, the second one is a mascara+ strengthening and nourishing serum for eyelashes. I think that is a good idea to release two products in one. It is comfy indeed. My favorite product of this collection is the Luxe shining powder.
The Luxe Collection by Avon
На следващо място споделям с вас малко бекстейдж снимки. Изживяването е страхотно, особено да ти се обръща толкова внимание и да работиш с професионалисти. Изключително щастлива съм, че имах тази възможност. Ами няма много какво да кажа, прическа, грим, концепцията и реализацията на снимките перфекти! А да не говорим за самите снимки, които ще видите по-долу.
Okay, next, some backstage photos. It was great, especially when you are a center of an attention and you work with professionals. I’m really happy that I had this opportunity. Hair, makeup, concept and realization – Perfect! And photos speak for themselves, you will see below.
The Result
dress BLUMARINE, necklace AVON, eye shadows, lipstick, Glamourous Lash mascara, powder and foundation Luxe by Avon;
fur coat BLUGIRL, dress BLUMARINE, earrings and ring ISKRA, powder Luxe by Avon;
Photography Diliana Florentin
Realisation Slav Atanasov & Huben Hubenov
MUA Alina Manova
Hair Slav
See more at/ Задължително трябва да видите другите прекрасни момичета на този линк: http://12mag.net/fashion/beauty/lux-novum/
Браво, Цвети! Много добре са се получили снимките, наистина лъха професионализъм от тях! Сигурна съм, че е било страхотно изживяване!
Благодаря ти, Сани 🙂 Беше страхотно изживяване наистина.
I really like the photos! You do look so beautiful! I saw some pics on your instagram account and I was amazed! Kisses from Vienna
thanks dear
you are so beautiful!! really nice make up products!
really looks LUXE indeed 🙂 wonderful lay-out 🙂
| notjessfashion.com
thanks Jess
really looks LUXE indeed 🙂 wonderful lay-out 🙂
| notjessfashion.com
Fabulous pictures! You look wonderful as always!
thanks dear
Fabulous pictures! You look wonderful as always!
Love your photos! Beautiful ♥
You look so pretty on those photos, like a real model 🙂 And I love LUXE too, btw, I have the same powder, it’s amazing 😉
thanks dear
You’re absolutely stunning in these photos for Avon. Funnily enough, we are going to Monaco this weekend then on to Cannes!
Suze – Luxury Columnist
You’re absolutely stunning in these photos for Avon. Funnily enough, we are going to Monaco this weekend then on to Cannes!
Suze – Luxury Columnist
thanks Suze
Your gorgeous doll! Amazing photos.
thanks dear
Your gorgeous doll! Amazing photos.
OMG C! These photos are so stunning. This shoot is just beyond fabulous. What an amazing opportunity.
thanks S
OMG C! These photos are so stunning. This shoot is just beyond fabulous. What an amazing opportunity.
You are absolutely gorgeous, what an amazing opportunity!
thanks Anjelique
You are absolutely gorgeous, what an amazing opportunity!
You looks so pretty. Nice products.
thanks dear
You looks so pretty. Nice products.
Wow wow wow the photos look so stunning. I love them 🙂
xx glamdevils.com
Wow wow wow the photos look so stunning. I love them 🙂
xx glamdevils.com
thanks Mira
Wonderful pics!!!
thanks dear
I love your makeup look. you look gorgeous 🙂
xx Jamie | Love Peace and Shimmer
thanks Jamie
I love your makeup look. you look gorgeous 🙂
xx Jamie | Love Peace and Shimmer
I like this luxury set of creams and the photo of you are like an editorial one. fabulous
thanks Mari
U look beautiful ~~ make up looks perfect!
thanks love
U look beautiful ~~ make up looks perfect!
You look amazing! Those photos turned out so well – so luxe!
You look amazing! Those photos turned out so well – so luxe!
thanks M
You look stunning!!!
thank you
You look stunning!!!
So stunning!
So stunning!
stunning babe, absolutely stunning!
thanks dear
stunning babe, absolutely stunning!
super fabulous collection
would you like to pass from my blog?
I wish you an happy day
a big kiss
<<< fashion blogger >>>
thanks dear
super fabulous collection
would you like to pass from my blog?
I wish you an happy day
a big kiss
<<< fashion blogger >>>
Super stunning…you are looking very beautiful.. congratulations on this opportunity 🙂
stunning shots, babe, you look incredibly amazing…
and those Blumarine outfits…
thanks a lot dear
Cvetina this is absolutely beyond amazing, congratulations!! You look gorgeous in both the photos, though I especially love the image of you in the colourful dress behind the fruit/cosmetics. Again, well done! 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
aww you are so cute thanks Gabrielle!
Cvetina this is absolutely beyond amazing, congratulations!! You look gorgeous in both the photos, though I especially love the image of you in the colourful dress behind the fruit/cosmetics. Again, well done! 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
These products sound good!! And you look so beautiful!
These products sound good!! And you look so beautiful!
Very pretty
Kiss, Jade
thanks dear
Very pretty
Kiss, Jade
Stunning 🙂
thank you
Stunning 🙂
this is so amazing dear 🙂 A perfect photo shoot and the pics are so beautiful 🙂
<3 thanks love
this is so amazing dear 🙂 A perfect photo shoot and the pics are so beautiful 🙂
So beautiful experience Cvetina!!! Love last photo….you are amazing!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for stopping at my blog,
Eniwhere Fashion
Bloglovin of Eniwhere Fashion
So beautiful experience Cvetina!!! Love last photo….you are amazing!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for stopping at my blog,
Eniwhere Fashion
Bloglovin of Eniwhere Fashion
thanks Eni
I was really excited when I saw these two photo session with you! It’s amazing to see another Bulgarian girl working with fabulous brands.
Both shootings are very different from each other and it’s like seeing two different version of Cvety, yet both so fabulous. Amazing work!!
thanks a lot my friend!
I was really excited when I saw these two photo session with you! It’s amazing to see another Bulgarian girl working with fabulous brands.
Both shootings are very different from each other and it’s like seeing two different version of Cvety, yet both so fabulous. Amazing work!!
So happy for you, this is such an amazing experience!!
thanks Eli
thanks dear
Good entry , thanks for stopping by my blog!!!Happy Sunday !!
thanks love
your pictures are all amazing and i love this new Avon line
I posted a NEW OUTFIT, I’d love to know your opinion
would you like to visit my blog?
fashion blogger
thanks dear
your pictures are all amazing and i love this new Avon line
I posted a NEW OUTFIT, I’d love to know your opinion
would you like to visit my blog?
fashion blogger