Здравейте, приятели, с днешния аутфит вече официално пролетта настъпва в блога. За него реших да заложа на пастелни тонове, тъй като това са най-популярните цветове на 2016 година. Всъщност комбинацията не е точно Pink Quartz и Serenity, но пък доста се доближава. Тук акцентът е върху широкият панталон с басти, който все повече набира популярност. Панталоните с висока талия са изключително подходящи и за по-ниски дами, тъй като както ще видите удължават силуета. Друга популярна дреха през новия сезон е свободно падащото сако тип тренч. Получаваме една наистина шик комбинация, която спокойно може да облечете и за по-официален случай. Завършваме визията с малката чантичка, която преминава през тялото, топ аксесоар за новия сезон. Втори пост от свежата ни колаборация с Forever 21, не забравяйте, че съвсем скоро може да намери тези модели в Paradise Center, Sofia. Голямото отваряне на Forever 21 е на 2 Април от 10am.
Hello guys, with today’s outfit officially spring comes on the blog. About that, I combined pastels, as these are the most popular colors in 2016. In fact, the combination is not exactly Pink Quartz and Serenity, but quite close. Here the accent is on the wide pants with tucks, which is super popular right now. Pants with a high waist are particularly suitable for petite women because as you will see they extended the silhouette. Another popular cloth in the new season is a blazer that looks like a trench. We get a really chic combination that can easily put on and more formal event. To complete the whole look I bet on the crossbody bag, top accessory for the new season. This is the second post from our collaboration with Forever 21, don’t forget that you can find these models in Paradise Center, Sofia soon. Grand opening of Forever 21’s April 2 at 10am.

blazer Forever21, nude crossbody bag Forever21, pink powder pants H&M, pink powder top H&M, pom pom H&M, grey ankle boots Gido, sunnies Chopard, ring Goto Jewellery and Diamonds;

Beautiful outfit dear! I love the combo!
Have a wonderful day,
XO Pisa
thanks Pisa
thanks Pisa
Beautiful outfit dear! I love the combo!
Have a wonderful day,
XO Pisa
really nice outfit! I love this combo!
blog: http://www.fashi0n-m0de.blogspot.it
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq_Aya-v4acfRK4qUYgi6vA
thanks dear
thanks dear
Great outfit! I love your outfit and style! you look gorgeous 🙂 Such a great outfit inspiration 🙂
xx Jamie| With Love, Jamie
thanks Jamie
thanks Jamie
Love your style! Amazing outfit!
Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Such lovely colors.
I love the playsuit you are wearing.
Have a great day!
thanks dear
thanks dear
Lovely ?
i am a pastel lover…The romper looks great and the blazer over it looks even better 😀 Hey by the way which cam and lens do you use for photography ?
thanks Purva. The camera is Nikon, lens Nikor 50mm f 1.8
thanks Purva. The camera is Nikon, lens Nikor 50mm f 1.8
Your outfit is just like a spring!!! Love pastel on u. Xo
thanks dear
thanks dear
Your jumpsuit is really nice and I love that fur pom pom on your bag!
Bella Pummarola
Beautiful outfit, very elegant! Amazing makeup too! =)
NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/
thanks Jess
thanks Jess
You look beautiful, as always, Cvety! I adore your outfit featuring the two colors of the year, such great styling! Thank so much for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, beautiful!
Thanks gorgeous
Thanks gorgeous
I love this jumpsuit, I think it would make me look a bit washed out with my skin tone but definitely works well on you
thanks Suze
thanks Suze
Amazing look! Such an elegant oufit! Love these tones paired together. The boots really caught my eye, they are so chic
thanks dear
thanks dear
Your jumpsuit is so chic on you! Get it girl!
thanks Tina
thanks Tina
I love the colors of this look!!! So pretty!
thanks dear
thanks dear
I love your look, so chic and sophisticated. And I love the colors as well 🙂
thanks you
Love that jumpsuit! You look stunning!
These colors are lovely and you look perfect in this outfit!
thanks dear
thanks dear
You look amazing and the colors blend in perfectly well. You are such a beauty.
thanks dear
Such a pretty look! I love this jumpsuit and your shoes! You look so cute too! xoxo
thanks Ivi
Such a pretty look! I love this jumpsuit and your shoes! You look so cute too! xoxo
So pretty here in neutral pastels, lady!
Le Stylo Rouge
So pretty here in neutral pastels, lady!
Le Stylo Rouge
thanks Ashley
thanks Ashley
Gorgeous in pastels! love the trousers xx
thanks dear
Gorgeous in pastels! love the trousers xx
This is SUCH a chic ensemble… you look beautiful, and I love the booties!
All the Cute
Latest Post: Patchwork Print Romper
thanks Amber
thanks Amber
This is SUCH a chic ensemble… you look beautiful, and I love the booties!
All the Cute
Latest Post: Patchwork Print Romper
this jumpsuit look very glam
<<< fashion blogger italia >>>
thanks love
this jumpsuit look very glam
<<< fashion blogger italia >>>
Very beautiful spring combination. I love the loose fit – so comfortable for a long busy day.
thanks Lu
thanks Lu
Very beautiful spring combination. I love the loose fit – so comfortable for a long busy day.
I love pastel colors, you look gorgeous in pink!
thanks Ana
thanks Ana
Amazing look dear! These colors suits you perfectly! Love pastel colors!
Hope you’re having a wonderful week ahead!
Much love, Pisa
thanks Pisa
Woooow. I love this jumpsuit! Perfect color and shape. I am a huge pastel color fan and I think it is all I will wear this Summer:)
By the way, since I moved my blog to wordpress I do no longer have GFC but I would love to continue following each other. I really would be very happy if you could follow me on bloglovin instead! I still follow
you of course : )
lifestyle of mine
thanks dear
Loved thecolor combination and the wayyou styled the outfit 🙂 lovely..
thanks fear
Been away with the fairies and have had to catch up on this blog! Bookmarked and one of my favs. Love the post, beautiful outfit. Please style me! x
thank you so much for the kind words!
Totally in love with your blazer, and jumpsuit, they are all my kind of colors, there are calm and lovely..^^ you look good on it..^^
thanks love
Such sweet colours! 🙂
Love the shoes! 🙂
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
thanks dear
Such sweet colours! 🙂
Love the shoes! 🙂
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Good: colors, bag (bag is great!), jacket and pictures :). Bad: shoes or pants – one of them dont fit ideally. Open heels would be better.