Здравейте, приятели, днешният пост е олицетворение на женствеността, уникалността и красотата. С Goto Jewellery and Diamonds и прекрасната и талантлива Мирослава Дерменджиева – фотограф, решихме да ви представим един изключително женствен проект в сътрудничество. Когато говорим за бижута, няма как да скрием факта, че всяка една дама ги обожава. За това и ние решихме да направим възможно най-добрата комбинация, която носи голяма доза самочуствие за всяка една от нас. Мира има дарбата да извади най-красивото у една дама и да го предаде чрез фотографиите си, да покаже нейната уникалност и идентичност. А точно това показват и бижутата на Goto Jewellery and Diamonds. Те “говорят” вместо вас. В тази колаборация ще пресъздадем няколко визии, които отговарят на различни вкусове. Някои от тях ще бъдат нежни, други стилни, трети чувствени. Надяваме се да припознаете себе си в тях и да си направите истински подарък, който да отговаря на същността ви.
В първата визия може да видите едно уникално бижу, за което малко от нас могат да си помислят, че е за “пораснали момичета”. Повече от влюбена съм в тази сладурска висулка- биберон, ръчно изработена от сребро с позлата, кристално стъкло и златен прашец. За любителите на различни цветове злато, може да го откриете в розово, бяло и жълто. Друг любим мой аксесоар е плътната гривна, която пък от своя страна никога не излиза от мода.
Hello, folks, today’s post is the epitome of femininity, uniqueness and beauty. With Goto Jewellery and Diamonds and the lovely and talented Miroslava Dermendjieva – photographer, we decided to present you a very feminine project in cooperation. When we talk about jewels, we can not hide the fact that every woman adores them. About that, we made the best possible combination that brings high-dose of self-esteem for each of us. Mira has the gift to show the beauty, uniqueness and identity of a woman in her photography. This is the concept of Goto Jewellery and Diamonds too. Their jewels “speak” of you. We will share some different looks for any taste. Some of them will be delicate, others stylish, sensual etc. We hope you recognize yourself in them and make a gift that will meet your essence.
In our first look, you can see a unique jewel for which few of us may think that it is for “grown-up girls.” I adore this awesome charm – pacifier, handmade of silver, after that gilded, crystal glass and gold dust. For lovers of different colors of gold, you can find it in pink, white and yellow. Another favorite of mine is a solid bracelet, which in turn never goes out of fashion.
dress/рокля Guy Laroche, bracelet and pacifier from/ гривна и висулка- биберон от Goto Jewellery and diamonds;
Във визия номер две акцентираме върху дългите обеци. Като тук избягваме да слагаме много допълнителни бижута. Лично аз предпочитам да има симетрия и избирам по едно бижу в различните части на тялото. Прекрасните обеци са колекция Air на Aurora Lurex – освен в модела и изработката, уникалността им се крие и в Морано стъклото със самородно злато. Това е една елегантна и изтънчена колекция, но в същото време е изключително мека, нежна и достъпна. Една традиция в италианското ювелирно майсторство. Няма как да останете незабелязани с чифт от тези обеци.
In our second look the accent is on the long earrings. I avoid putting a lot of extra jewels. Personally, I prefer to have a symmetry and choose one jewel in different parts of the body. Those lovely earrings are from the collection Air of Aurora Lurex – the design and manufacture are absolutely unique – Murano glass with 24 kt gold foil. This is an elegant and refined collection, but at the same time is extremely soft, gentle and affordable. A tradition of Italian jewelry craftsmanship. You can not go unnoticed with a pair of these earrings.
dress/рокля Patricia Pepe, earrings and bracelet from/ обеци и гривна от Goto Jewellery and diamonds;
in collaboration with
Goto Jewellery and Diamonds at Sofia Ring Mall
the jewellery is indeed beautiful and you look so stunning cvety..Pink looks gorgeous on you
thanks dear
I love that necklace,its so beautiful
Great tatoo too
Oh wow Cvety! You look incredible! Love this color on you, dear!
xoxo Ira
thanks a lot Ira
thanks a lot Ira
This is such a pretty dress and I love the jewelry, too, so unique! Thanks so much for sharing, beauty, and I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far!
thank you so much Jalisa
beautiful dress and you look incredible! kiss
thanks dear
Beautiful dress and accessories!! U look so pretty ~ xo
thanks dear xx
thanks dear xx
Such a great dress. My favorite colors are all in pastels. I cannot giveup.
Love pastel pink.
You are very beautiful!
Have a great week 🙂
thanks dear
thanks dear
so lovely dress and pics 🙂
Beautiful photos. You look stunning.
thanks Nina
thanks Nina
SO pretty in pink!! Lovely photos!
All the Cute
Today’s Post: Chic Neutrals…
thanks Amber
thanks Amber
You look amazing in pink! Love these looks! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
thanks Cielo
thanks Cielo
I loved the designs as they are different 🙂 Loved all the jewel items 🙂
Thanks Anu
Thanks Anu
These are great shots and you look very pretty.
Gorgeous girl! Love the jewels and the dress!
thanks dear
thanks dear
Looking stunning!! Loving the jewl!
Dora http://www.BangsBang.com
thanks Dora
thanks Dora
Your jewellery is amazing an matches your beauty! You look flawless in pink! You are such a vision!! I love your word tattoo!
thanks a lot dear
thanks a lot dear
Pretty in pink, lady!
Happy Tuesday!
Le Stylo Rouge
thanks dear xx
thanks dear xx
You look very beautiful in these light pink dresses. Really pretty in pink 🙂
Thanks a lot for your last comment : )
thanks dear
thanks dear
So beautiful.
That dress is so lovely! I really enjoyed this post so much 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com
thanks dear
YOU ARE A BABE! I love the soft pink hue of this dress too, it really complements your complexion!
Gorgeous as always 🙂
http://www.anjelique.com.au | snapchat: anjeliquetv
thanks beauty
These photos are stunning and so are those jewels! Perfect!
thanks a lot S
Those earrings are so interesting, they’re like works of art! I love seeing the different photoshoots on your blog by the way Cvetina, each photography style is so interesting and tells a different story 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x
thanks a lot Gabrielle
Fabulous dress! You look wonderful as always!
thanks dear
The dress and accessories are amazing. Thanks for sharing and check out our latest campaign by SICKY eyewear.
Eye See Euphoria | http://blog.eyeseeeuphoria.com/2016/03/09/sickyeyewearspringsummer2016/
thank you so much
You look stunning nice dress!
thanks dear
The two pink dresses are so beautiful and the jewels are pretty too! xxx
thanks Ivi
Страхотна фотосесия (браво на фотографа), страхотни бижута (благодаря, че ме запозна), страхотна Цвети! Поздравления!
Благодаря ти, радвам се, че ти харесва :))
You look beautiful! I love the first dress, elegant and chic
you look gorgeous :**
Great shots! You look stunning dear!
thanks dear
Very good photo shoot – love the pictures! And the jewellery is truly beautiful!
thanks Lu
Very good photo shoot – love the pictures! And the jewellery is truly beautiful!
:* thanks
So super pretty! 🙂
The pink really looks good with your skin tone and colour! 🙂
Twitter | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
thanks gorgeous
Beautiful dress, it looks so lovely on you! Also like its versatility <3
House of Illusions
thanks dear
Beautiful dress, it looks so lovely on you! Also like its versatility <3
House of Illusions
A gorgeous little pink dress it looks beautiful 🙂
Laura xo
thanks Laura
OMG! This is such a sweet look. Loving those dress
You look amazing! I love this dress! Please check out my blog too. That are absolutely stunning photos!
Lovely jewellery plus stunning you in pink!
You look great dear! <3
Stunning, girl Love that dress on you!
We Shop in Heels
Your makeup is gorgeous, you look great!
Your makeup is gorgeous, you look great!