Здравейте, приятели! Въпреки че тенът ми далеч не е същия в момента, нямаше как да не споделя този пост, тъй като от доста време си чакаше реда. Лятото определено е любимият ми период от годината и напоследък забелязвам, че гардеробът ми е най-разнообразен именно тогава. Като сменях летните си дрехи със зимните установих, че дългите ръкави и дебелите пуловери изобщо не са ми силната част. И така две думи за днешния аутфит. Акцентът е роклята по тялото. Това, според мен, са най-женствените рокли, които показват красотата и извивките на тялото. Елегнатна и секси, тази рокля е подходяща за всеки по-официален повод, а защо не и вечеря с любимия. Този модел може да се намери и в по-плътен вариант за студените дни. Наскоро си взех такава с дълъг ръкав и поло яка, която съвсем скоро ще споделя и тук. Лесна и удобна за носене, добре е да си имате винаги подобен модел под ръка.
Hello, guys! Although my summer tan is not the same at the moment, I could not miss to share this post since a long time waiting for its turn. Summer is definitely my favorite time of the year and recently noticed that my wardrobe is the most various at this time. As I changed my summer clothes with winter ones I found that long sleeves and wool sweaters never been my strong part. Okay, some words for today’s outfit. The accent is the bodycon dress. These are the most feminine dresses that show the beauty and the shape of woman’s body. Elegant and sexy, this dress is suitable for any formal occasion, and why not dinner with your loved ones. That model can be found in the thicker version for cold days. Recently I bought one with long sleeves and turtleneck. Soon I’ll share it here. Easy and comfy to wear, it’s good to have it near at hand.

bodycon dress Forever 21, nude mules H&M, pink clutch Verde;
Location: Gran Hotel Bali, Spain

My favourite season is summer time ,and i have since moved my summer wear to storage to make way for winter clothes, I love this dress you have on and you look stunning .
thanks dear
WOOOOOW, that is super sexy! I love it!! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
thanks love
I love the dress, very cute! My favorite season is Fall.
thank you so much
This dress is made for you, Cvety! So gorgeous!
thanks a lot dear
Kisses for you
very chic dress dear
I posted a new review, I’d love to know your opinion
happy weekend, kiss
<<< tr3ndygirl fashion blogger >>>
thanks dear xx
thanks dear xx
Very classy and gorgeous!!! It is been a while since I read your posts and I’ve missed you!!
thanks love
thanks love
This dress is beautiful! I love that color on you, it’s just gorgeous!
thanks dear
looking gorgeous girl 😀
thank you
Love how you paired it with the nude mules!
Dora http://www.BangsBang.com
thanks Dora
You are stunning, the dress is so beautiful
That dress is really cute! I like the cut outs and the pretty pastel shade. That color looks nice on you!
Violet Roots || Instagram
thanks M
So stunning dress Cvetina! You are a dream!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for stopping at my blog. I’m very happy for your comment.
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
thanks Eni
lovely dress 🙂
thank you
u look stunning cvety <3 such a lovely dress
thanks beaut
The dress is so beautiful and I love the color. You look amazing!
Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
thanks dear
You look super beautiful in this dress! It is really pretty and I love the light blue color!
Sending much love!
Rosa Larissa Klara
conscious lifestyle of mine
thank you so much
you look very chic and classy darling
I’d love to know your opinion on my NEW OUTFIT <<< fashion blogger >>>
have an happy day
thanks dear
Gostei do look. Linda clutch!
Ótima segunda!
Beijo! ^^
You look so beautiful ! The dress is amazing !
thank you dear
The dress is lovery but the photoshop on your ankles is so visible :/
Very sassy and elegant dress. Loving the blush hues you’ve put together 🙂
Благодаря Лу
Such a beautiful pictures! Love the dress 🙂
thank you
Such a beautiful pictures! Love the dress 🙂
This dress is so gorgeous!!
X Merel
thanks dear
This dress is so gorgeous!!
X Merel
You look gorgeous! Love the front detailing and your tattoo is beautiful!
thanks a lot
You look gorgeous! Love the front detailing and your tattoo is beautiful!