Здравейте, приятели! Продължам с дългоочакваната от мен, а предполагам и от вас колекция KENZOxH&M. Като човек, който обича да експериментира, нямаше как да не пробвам един от любимите ми сетове от колекцията, а именно полото и клин в червен животински принт. Колекцията превъплъщава изцяло колоритните традиции на KENZO, и разбира се удобството и мултифункционалността на H&M. Може да видите основни модели на френския бранд, пресъздадени с нов дух. Ярките принтове, които определено оставят най-голямо впечатление и женствените детайли, които представих в миналия пост ТУК. С тази колекция определено може да избягате от скучното ежедневие и да добави щипка свежест към вашия аутфит.
Hello, guys! Today I continue with long-awaited by me, and I guess also by you collection KENZOxH&M. As someone who likes to experiment, could not miss to try one of my favorite sets from the collection, the turtleneck top and pants in red animal print. The collection includes the entirely colorful traditions of KENZO, and of course the comfort and multifunctionality of H&M. You can see basic models of the French brand recreated with a new spirit. Bright prints that definitely leave the most impression and feminine details that I presented in the previous post HERE. With this collection can definitely escape from the boring routine and add a pinch of freshness to your outfit.

top KENZOxH&M 74,99 BGN, pants KENZOxH&M 74,99 BGN, bag KENZOxH&M 89,99 BGN, boots KENZOxH&M 269 BGN, black cashmere coat H&M;

The pictures look so editorial!
The Black Blush
this look is fantastic 🙂
thanks dear
thanks dear
WOW!!! That outfit is sooooo hot!!!! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
thank you
thank you
I reviewed the collection last week and some parts were just so so good! Loved the zebra print and 1980s vibe and you pulled it off so well here! So stylish girl! Xx
thanks a lot dear
thanks a lot dear
Wow this photography is stunning! You look amazing, fab post doll xx
The pictures are amazing, so cool!
thank you
thank you
dear this jumpsuit very gorgeous
I posted a new review, I’d love to know your opinion
<<< tr3ndygirl fashion blogger >>>
thanks love
thanks love
This is such a fun collection! I was impressed by all the bold prints and patterns. I don’t think it suits my wardrobe but I can’t wait to see how everyone styles it.
Violet Roots || Instagram
thanks for stopping by
thanks for stopping by
Wow C that jumpsuit looks incredible on you. Don’t think I could pull this daring piece off as stunningly as you.
thanks S
thanks S
Gostei do casaco!
Ótima quinta!
Beijo! ^^
You look beautiful dear! Wonderful post 🙂 Thank you a lot for your last comment on my blog 🙂
Sending much love!
Rosa Larissa Klara
conscious lifestyle of mine
thanks dear
thanks dear
Gorgeous pictures my darling!
I wasn’t sure this collection would be all that wearable, but I actually love this look! You have made it feel so versatile with your coat and boots!
I think that it looks great for editorials 🙂
I think that it looks great for editorials 🙂
Although I love H&M and I loved all previous collaborations I have to confess that I don´t like the KenzoxH&M collection at all. But this looks good on you because you are so amazing pretty Cvety, you can rock everything!
thank you so much for the kind words Ivi. I think the collection looks good on editorials, little strange, but very different
thank you so much for the kind words Ivi. I think the collection looks good on editorials, little strange, but very different
You look beautiful! I love this top and pants, amazing print
This is such a cool outfit on you, really love your style! x
thanks dear
thanks dear
a particular collection but not my favourite one 🙂
blog: http://www.fashi0n-m0de.blogspot.it
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/enricasciarretta-fashionmode
understand 🙂
understand 🙂
It looks wonderful on you!
x Sandra
thank you
thank you
Babe you look so sexy in this two piece! Excited for the H & M and Kenzo pieces to land in Australia- they are so hip and vibrant
Rachel xxx
i like them a lot
i like them a lot
Totally loving the look!
Dora http://www.BangsBang.com
Amazing pics !
thank you
thank you
you can carry anything so beautifully..love it
thanks dear
thanks dear
This is really cool and edgy! Love the photos!
Bella Pummarola
I’m absolutely loving this look ,especially the boots
thanks gorgeous
Perfect look. I love the color. Have a great new month.
thanks a lot love
thanks a lot love
Wow you look fearless! This is so Kenzo. You’re killing it.
With Love,
Aurelie | http://www.surface85.com
Тази фотосесия е невероятна! Видях няколко кадъра в Инстаграм – много добре си изпълнила всичко.
Този клъч е супер готин 🙂
OMG You look stunning babe
Maggie Dallospedale
OMG You look stunning babe
Maggie Dallospedale