Да, да, знам, есента отдавна мина… За мен тези месеци бяха като миг и честно казано пропуснах да споделя есенните си снимки, а закъснявам значително и със зимните. Но вече съм изцяло свободна (и доволна от себе си) и смятам да подготвя доста аутфити, тъй като въпреки постоянното учене всеки ден, не пропусках да се поглезя с нещо новичко.
П.П. тези дни пускам нова игра <3
Yes, yes, I know fall has long passed … I’ve got a long pause of blogging and I missed to share those autumn pics. But I’m completely free now and I intend to dedicate myself to new posts and pretty outfits, because despite constant studying, don’t forget to buy some new stuffs.
P.S. these days new giveaway worldwide <3

ombre sweater HM Studio AW15, Dsquared2 jeans;

Looking beautiful and fresh sweets ?
thanks dear
thanks dear
Looking beautiful and fresh sweets ?
beautifull sweater!
beautifull sweater!
Lovely Sweater !! You look adorable 🙂
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Decked Up Beauties BlogLovin
thanks dear
thanks dear
Lovely Sweater !! You look adorable 🙂
Decked Up Beauties Facebook
Decked Up Beauties Instagram
Decked Up Beauties BlogLovin
Sweetheart you look so cute and happy on this pictures! xoxo
thank you so much Ivi
thank you so much Ivi
LOL never mind, your autumn photos are amazing!!!
<3 thanks love
LOL never mind, your autumn photos are amazing!!!
You totally look stunning babe. Cute sweater! There’s every reason to fall in love with Fall.
thank youu my friend!
thank youu my friend!
You totally look stunning babe. Cute sweater! There’s every reason to fall in love with Fall.
Blogger’s bliss, I see it, the fun in taking photos,lovely xoxo BING.
thanks dear
Blogger’s bliss, I see it, the fun in taking photos,lovely xoxo BING.
Your sweater is so cute, love the ombre
thanks Laura
thanks Laura
What a lovely colour, it suits you so well!
House of Illusions
thanks dear
thanks dear