Hello guys,
As you will see from the pictures green is the predominant color in this fashion outfit, but not what I want to emphasize. Dark green is beautiful and suitable for fall. I’m combining sweater with suede boots in this color.
Okay, I want to emphasize the real topic of this post, and it is to be green in the fall. I’ll give you a few tips that might know, but it’s nice to remember them, because they can protect our planet clean. This is more important than what we wear. Do you think so?
Здравейте приятели,
както ще забележите от снимките зеленото е преобладаващият цвят в този аутфит, но не на това искам да наблегна. Тъмно зеленият цвят е красив и подходящ за есента, аз съм съчетала пуловер с велурени боти в този цвят.
Добре, искам да подчертая самата тема на този пост и тя е да бъдем зелени през есента. Ще ви дам няколко съвета, които може и да знаете, но е хубаво човек да си ги припомня, защото това да опазим планетата чиста е много по-важно, от това с какво сме облечени. Не мислите ли?

Have a green Halloween.
Like many of our holidays, Halloween can be an expensive and wasteful experience.
Consider reusing or recycling costumes from previous years to make new costumes, or recycling old clothing into new costumes.
Instead of giving out high-sugar candy, buy some fruits or low-sugar candy.
Halloween decorations can be natural and non-commercial, with gourds, pumpkins and Jack-o-Lanterns! Make your Halloween decoration alone, be creative.
Once Halloween is over, recycle your pumpkins, the straw you used to build scarecrows and any other organic material by composting it.
Направете Хелоуин зелен.
Подобно на много от нашите празници, Хелоуин може да бъде скъпо и разточително преживяване.
Помислете за повторно използване или рециклиране на костюми от предишни години, за да си направите нови костюми, или рециклиране на стари дрехи в нови.
Вместо да давате бонбони с високо съдържание на захар, купете някои плодове или ги заменете с бонбони с ниско съдържание на захар.
Хелоуин декорациите могат да бъдат направени от вас, а не закупени от магазин, с тикви и Джак фенери! Направете си сами украса за Хелоуин, Бъдете креативни.
След като Хелоуин свърши, рециклирайте вашите тикви, сламата, която сте използвали, за да си направите плашила и всякакви други органични материали, като ги компостирате(наторявате).

Baby It’s Cold Outside!
As the seasons begin to change your family migrates indoors for the winter, a lot of energy can be wasted to keep your family and your home comfortable. Between 40 and 70% of all home energy is wasted, but we could save about half of that by buying efficient appliances and taking energy-saving measures.
Скъпи/а навън е студено!
Когато сезоните започват да се сменят, вашето семейство мигрира на закрито за зимата. Много енергия, може да се загуби, за да запазите дома си комфортен. Между 40 и 70% от цялата енергия в дома се губи, но ние можем да спестим около половината от това, чрез закупуване на ефективни уреди и предприемане на мерки за спестяване на енергия.

Windows waste plenty of energy and money. Experts say as much as 25% of your home’s heat can escape through leaky windows. Here are simple things you can do to make your existing windows save energy and keep your home a little cozier.
Прозорците губят много от енергията и парите ви. Експерти твърдят, че близо 25% от топлината на вашия дом, могат да “избягат” през неуплътнени прозорци. Това са прости неща, които можете да направите, за да оправите вашите прозорци и да пестите енергия, с което вашият дом да стане по-уютен.

Instead of disposing of your old jeans, you can make a new vintage model, it takes only a little imagination! Think of our home – the Earth! Only we can save what we have done to her.
Вместо да изхвърлите старите си дънки, може да си направим нов винтидж модел, нужно е само малко въображение! Помислете за нашия дом – Земята! Само ние можем да я спасим от това, което сме и сторили.
sweater Only, leggings old, bag my mom’s, boots from my sis , watch Roberto Cavalli, necklace Nomination Italy, ring Valentin, ring Swarovski;
xx cvety.
sweetie you look so beautiful!! love the color of the sweater!! kiss
sweetie you look so beautiful!! love the color of the sweater!! kiss
Thank you so much dear!
You look beautiful, I love that color green on you! And I agree, keeping the planet clean is most important, great tips!
Thank you :)) I’m very glad that you read the post, you are so sweet!
You look beautiful, I love that color green on you! And I agree, keeping the planet clean is most important, great tips!
Stunning photos, love your top
thank you! xx
This green looks so wonderful fresh on you!
xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
International giveaway: Top form by
the reasons of problems
Thank you so much!
Amazing outfit and pictures! =D
NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/
Thanks Jess! xx
You look really awesome with this look! Love the complements!
Thanks a lot Agne! xx
Oh wow – beautiful style, stunning you!
Thank you so much Edita!
The tone of the top suits you really well, you look gorgeous!!
Thank you so much Whitney! xx
Totally gorgeous and we’re so loving that green sweater for fall!
xx 365hangers
Thank you so much! xx
such a great thought cvety..you just dont have a beautiful face but a beautiful heart too.. I love the fact that you try to send a message through your post..I will make sure i follow what you mentioned 😀 and Those boots just took my heart away 😀
Thank you so much Purva, I really appreciate that you read all my posts, you are very beautiful and kind person, I’m glad to know you! Thank you! xx
Great top you look beautiful in green
Thank you so much! xx
You are very beautiful! pictures of very rich colors)
Thanks :))
You are very beautiful! pictures of very rich colors)
Looking gorgeous with that sweater hun, such a chic outfit! Loving the handbag too <3
Take care always, love Christine ~ xx
Looking gorgeous with that sweater hun, such a chic outfit! Loving the handbag too <3
Take care always, love Christine ~ xx
Thanks beautiful Christine! xx
perfect look, love that sweater
I posted a new OUTFIT, I’d love to know your opinion
would you like to pass from my blog?
perfect look, love that sweater
I posted a new OUTFIT, I’d love to know your opinion
would you like to pass from my blog?
Thank you so much beauty! xx
Love your shoes! I also love how you paired different shades of green.
:))) Thank you so much! xx
Love your shoes! I also love how you paired different shades of green.
Love this inspirational post and you look beautiful!
Heidi D.
Love this inspirational post and you look beautiful!
Heidi D.
Thank you so much! xx
I love your green sweater and your bag is to die for!!!!
Kisses fashion girl!!!
My Facebook
I love your green sweater and your bag is to die for!!!!
Kisses fashion girl!!!
My Facebook
Thanks beautiful Paola! xx
always green!! 🙂
always green!! 🙂
Thanks beautiful Isa! xx
Love this baggy sweater and the color is perfect!
Thanks Maggie!xx
Love this baggy sweater and the color is perfect!
Great color on you – and I especially love it with that satchel!
Great color on you – and I especially love it with that satchel!
Thank you so much!
you adorable.. green suit your colour perfectly.. so cute pic and nice post.. http://jenniquecreatives.blogspot.co.uk/
you adorable.. green suit your colour perfectly.. so cute pic and nice post.. http://jenniquecreatives.blogspot.co.uk/
Thanks you so much Jen! xx
Just amazign!!
Kisses Paola
Just amazign!!
Kisses Paola
Thanks Paola! xx
Love your look. A big kiss.
Love your look. A big kiss.
Thanks a lot beautiful!
Beautiful! Love your shoes!
Beautiful! Love your shoes!
Thanks dear Mel! xx
Lover your sweater Cvety.
This color looks amazing on you
So stylish outfit
Maggie D.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion Blog
Lover your sweater Cvety.
This color looks amazing on you
So stylish outfit
Maggie D.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion Blog
Thanks Maggie!
You are stunning! Love that sweater with those booties!! 🙂
Truly, NY
You are stunning! Love that sweater with those booties!! 🙂
Truly, NY
Thanks a lot Natalie!
This sea green color looks beautiful on you! Love the boots and the bag as well!
This sea green color looks beautiful on you! Love the boots and the bag as well!
:)) Thanks a lot beautiful!
I love green! It looks great on you. I also love those booties!
Thanks a lot dear! xx
Always so chic and great photography! Do not forget to follow for a chance to win a pair of Chopard Sunglasses ($500.00 Value).
Eye See Euphoria : http://eyeseeeuphoria.com/post/mens-fall-picks
Thanks a lot! aw I’m waiting the winner 🙂
Thanks a lot! aw I’m waiting the winner 🙂
Always so chic and great photography! Do not forget to follow for a chance to win a pair of Chopard Sunglasses ($500.00 Value).
Eye See Euphoria : http://eyeseeeuphoria.com/post/mens-fall-picks
love your boots!! you look amazing!!! <3
love your boots!! you look amazing!!! <3
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much! xx
You are so beautiful inside and out. Keep up the great work hun.
You are so beautiful inside and out. Keep up the great work hun.
Thanks a lot! xx
Thanks a lot! xx
Green sweater looks amazing on you. You look stunning! xo akiko
Style Imported
Green sweater looks amazing on you. You look stunning! xo akiko
Style Imported
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much! xx
I love green for fall! Great outfit! And thank you so much for the tips on being “green”. I try to do my best in doing my part such as recycling, using reusable bags and such. Thank you for sharing this!
Katherine Lou
I really appreciate that you read all of my posts! Thank you so much for the comment! xx
I love green for fall! Great outfit! And thank you so much for the tips on being “green”. I try to do my best in doing my part such as recycling, using reusable bags and such. Thank you for sharing this!
Katherine Lou
I love that green sweater on you! xo
I love that green sweater on you! xo
Thanks Laura!
Thanks Laura!
Wonderful colour!
Have a lovely day dear 🙂
Wonderful colour!
Have a lovely day dear 🙂
Thanks dear!
Thanks dear!
Lovely green colour, thanks for your sweet comment!
Love, Alena | meet me stylish
Thanks a lot Alena! xx
Thanks a lot Alena! xx
Amazing look dear!
New post on: http://www.giusyslife.com/
Thank you! xx
Thank you! xx
You look great in green!
Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???
Thanks Fabrizia! xx
Thanks Fabrizia! xx
Great autum look! Love your bag.
Thanks Isabel! xx
Great post sweetie! Thanks for sharing all those helpful tips. Bottle green is a major colour this season and you incorporated so well into your outfit 🙂
Jasmin xx
Thank you so much Jasmin! I really appreciate that you read my posts!
Thank you so much Jasmin! I really appreciate that you read my posts!
You always look so beautiful – green looks great on you and agree it’s a gorgeous colour with brown – I love green eyeliner as it makes my eyes look a lot browner….beautiful style as always!
Layla xx
Aw this is wonderful idea, I’ll try it! Thanks Layla! xx
You look lovely in green, and I loved all the tips! We do our best around here but there is a couple areas where we struggle and could definitely do more.
This is so sad, here I am, the people are so indifferent and I think they are really stupid. We had a wonderful nature in Bulgaria, this is a small country with sea and mountains, but the people destroy everything…
This is so sad, here I am, the people are so indifferent and I think they are really stupid. We had a wonderful nature in Bulgaria, this is a small country with sea and mountains, but the people destroy everything…
What an adorable casual outfit! You look beautiful! I LOVE your eye makeup- that’s the perfect cat eye! Thank you for using this post to promote going green & conserving energy- I try but could definitely do better! Thank you for the tips xo
Thank you so much for the comment , I really appreciate that you read it. Thanks for thelovely words about my make up, I never can’t do the best eyeliner, haha it’s so difficult to me 😀
Thank you so much for the comment , I really appreciate that you read it. Thanks for thelovely words about my make up, I never can’t do the best eyeliner, haha it’s so difficult to me 😀
wow.. u looks so well put together.. and that hair tie is so cute 🙂
Love Playing DressUp
Thank you so much Neha! xx
Thank you so much Neha! xx
Loving the sweater and this look. Nicely done!
Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram
Thanks a lot beautiful! xx
Thanks a lot beautiful! xx
Love this color on you!!
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much! xx
This color is gorgeous on you, babe!
Thanks Ashley! xx
Thanks Ashley! xx
Great pics! You look wonderful :)))
Lovely sweater and bag!
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much! xx
So beautiful with green sweater and boots
Thanks a lot dear! xx
Thanks a lot dear! xx
Oh wow thanks for all your environment-friendly fashion tips my dear! I’m also passionate about preserving whatever is left of it. And you are rocking that slouchy sexy sweater and boots!!!
I’m so glad for your sweet comment! You are so kind! xx
I’m so glad for your sweet comment! You are so kind! xx
Green looks so good on you. Those booties and bag are amazing.
Fabulous 30s
There’s a new POST , what do u think about it?
BABYWHATSUP.COM , I’m waiting for u!
Thanks! xx
Thanks! xx
Have a great day! =D
NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/
Thanks Jess, you too! xx
Thanks Jess, you too! xx
I¡m in love with the outfit…love this green and also the booties
Melange-Boutique Blog by Noe&Lolita
Thanks dear! xxx
Thanks dear! xxx
I love green 🙂
The Lunch Girls
this color is perfect for you!
Thank you so much Carmen! xx
Thank you so much Carmen! xx
You look gorgeous! That green on you is perfection!
Clothes & Quotes
Thanks Shannon! xx
Thanks Shannon! xx
Essa bolsa é perfeita <3
Beijinhos, Té
Thanks dear! xx
Thanks dear! xx
Great green color dear 😀
Thanks! xx
Great pictures! You look beautiful, I love the bag and the shoes!
Thanks dear! xx
you look lovely in this shade of green! Great look!
x Sandra
Thank you Sandra!
Great outfit dear! Loooooooveeeee the bag and shoes! 🙂 xoxo
Thank you so much Milica! xx
what a interesting look and idea to wear green color this fall season. But be careful with mixing it with red – or you will loook like Christmas elf
Have a wonderful day!
Aleksandra | Love Street Fashion
haha It is really funny 😀 but i don’t like red anyway 🙂 Thanks for the comment, have a great weekend! xx
Love the color of your sweater!
Absolutely beautiful! I love the off shoulder sweater and the color is fantastic.
Thank you so much beautiful! xx
You are looking great! And I love your tips, very well said.
Alex – Funky Jungle – Instagram
Thank you so much :)))
Although you hadn’t intended on the green sweater becoming the focus of this post, it makes a lasting impression as it looks fabulous on you – especially against the beautiful pink, floral background! I also like how you’ve matched your gold metallic hairpiece to the gold metallic cuff.. it’s a nice touch; it’s all in the details! 🙂
– I follow back on Bloglovin’ –
Thanks Gabrielle! xx
Love green! You are amazing with this color!
Beautiful pictures! love the sweater and shoes, looks so so great on you! Also like your makeup , your ten is perfect 🙂 Thanks for nice comment on my blog dear 🙂
I really appreciated your kind words, thanks! xx
Hi dear and thank you for your visit!!! This sweater is marvelous….congratulations for your choice! I have a new post at my blog. Do you want to tell me what do you think? Kisses,
I will visit it right now 🙂 Thanks for the comment Eni! xx
That color suits you perfectly, you look so fresh and lovely!!! 😉 xo
Thanks a lot Marija! xx
Thanks a lot dear! I follow back :))
Thanks a lot Shannon!
this outfit is absolutely adorable!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much! xx
Very pretty look! Love your handbag 🙂
xx Anka
Thanks Anka! xx
Thanks Anka! xx
This color look stunning on you!! I usually don’t gravitate towards it, but you have definitely styled this look perfectly! I love the bag as well 🙂
Looks by Lau
Thank you so much dear Christina! xx
Kelly green is one of my favorite colors and this looks absolutely stunning on you!
If you have a moment, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my most recent blog post.
Thanks Amanda! xx
I love kelly green and this color looks amazing on you!
If you have a moment, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my most recent blog post.
Lovely look! You look gorgeous in green! X
Thanks sweetie! xx
Great look! Love the color!
Thanks! xx
you are looking cute dear…loved your sweater a lot..
Thanks! xxx
I love this colour so much, it is very classy and beautiful. I have loved green so much recently, just got a new green dress which I look forward to wearing.
🙂 aw this is amazing, I want to see it! Have a wonderful day! xx
Such a nice easy Fall look! I love the green sweater!! The colors suit you so well!
xx, Marky
Thanks a lot Marky! xx
Lovely dear! I like also the high booties!
Thank you so much Eli!
Lovely dear! I like also the high booties!
You are beautiful not just on the outside, but inside as well. I’m really glad that I’ve stumbled upon your blog. This post of yours is an inspiration.
LOVE the sweater, great color on you! You look stunning!