Здравейте, приятели, днес ще се опитам да ви разкажа съвсем накратко за една книга, която имах удоволствието да получа веднага след отпечатването й. За което много благодаря на AMG Publishing. Книгата се казва “Бизнес на високи токчета”, мемоар, написан от съоснователката на обувната империя Jimmy Choo – Тамара Мелън. За мен беше много интересно да разбера историята на Jimmy Choo, тъй като нямах и бегла представа, че всъщност движеща роля в основаването на бранда е имала Тамара, а не Джими.
Hello, guys, today I’ll try to tell you briefly about a book that I had the pleasure to receive it immediately after printing. Big thank you to AMG Publishing. The book is called “In My Shoes: A Memoir” written by а co-founder of the shoe empire Jimmy Choo – Tamara Mellon. I was very interested to know the story of Jimmy Choo, as I had no the faintest idea, who actually had a driving role in the grounds of the brand. In fact, that is Tamara, not Jimmy.
Тъй като не обичам да затормозявам читателя си с прекалено много текст, а и не е нужно, всеки може сам да прочете книгата. Тамара Мелън представя историята на живота си, спирайки се на детайли от ранно детство до израстването и като самостоятелна и независима жена. Сблъсква се с много трудности, като най-голяма е нейната майка. Въпреки всичко, тя не се отказва и продължава да следва целите си. Получава безрезервната помощ на баща си и на приятели. Чрез книгата стигаме до няколко много ценни житейски уроци и поучителни моменти. Най-важното нещо, което може да научите е, че с много труд и упоритост се постигат всякакви цели. Но и друго важно нещо е, че ние самите трябва да отстояваме позициите си и да не сме наивни. Оказва се, бизнесът на високи токчета е нещо много по-трудно от това, което си представяме..
Tamara Mellon presents the history of her life, the details of her childhood and growing up as an independent woman. Faced with many difficulties, the biggest one is her mother. Nevertheless, she did not give up and continues to pursue her goals. Received wholehearted support of her father and friends. Through the book, we receive some very valuable life lessons and instructive moments. The most important thing you can learn is that with hard work and perseverance you can achieve everything. But another important thing is that we ourselves have to defend our positions and to be not naive. It turns out the business of high heels is much more difficult than what we imagine ..
Най-много ми хареса това, че книгата е мемоар. Начинът на писане е изключително приятен, за което й помага Уилиам Патрик. Лека и увлекателна, чете се бързо. Историята, те кара да навлезеш в нея и често пъти да се поставиш на мястото на Тамара. Докато четях книгата, успоредно преглеждах в интернет всеки един от персонажите, което наистина ми беше интересно и ми се случваше за пръв път. И както написах по-горе, чрез книгата човек, получава наистина ценни житейски уроци. Единстеното нещо, което не одобрих в историята на Тамара е начинът на живот на богатите и известните, включително нейният в ранни години. Но въпреки това, тя успява да се пребори със зависимостите и то сама, което показва колко силен и амбициозен човек е всъщност!
First of all, I like that the book is a memoir. The way of writing is very good, with the help of William Patrick. Interesting and quick to read. The story makes you go into it, and often to put yourself in the place of Tamara. While I reading the book, parallel I browse the Internet every one of the characters. It was very interesting and happened to me for the first time. The only thing I don’t like in the history of Tamara is the lifestyle of the rich and famous guys, including her when she is young. However, she struggles with addiction all alone, which shows how strong and ambitious person she is actual!
Определено бих ви препоръчала да я прочетете, особено тези, които имат бизнес насоченост в този бранш. Със сигурност би зарадвала ваша приятелка като подарък (най-вече ако е любител на модата и красивите обувки).
You definitely must read it, especially if you have interests of a fashion business. Perfect gift for a friend that likes fashion and good shoes!
Определено съветът ти за тази книга като подарък за приятелка е доста полезен. Радвам се, че книгата ти е била интересна и си я прочела бързо, Цвети. Моят вкус за книги е различен, но ми беше интересно да прочета мнението ти.
Радвам се, че ти харесва!
Love those fashion books. Thanks for sharing <3
Nati xx
Definitely want to read this! And it would look good on my living room table too lol
thanks for the comment Kyle
This is so perfect as a gift for a girl friend! I´d love to read it too! xxx
🙂 you will like it. I’m sure
would love to read it 😀
you will like it
Oh this looks worth reading ?
it is a great read
curious to read this book I think is very interesting
oh yes! it is.
Sounds really intresting! I have to read this!
Have a nice day:)
thanks love, have a nice day too
This seems really nice! Will have to read it!
🙂 great!
It sounds like a very interesting read and I’d love to know what Tamara is up to now since leaving Jimmy Choo
Aw it is an interesting story indeed
Interesting book!! I should look into it.
thanks dear
This book looks so interesting!! I am dying to read it.
This sounds like a fun book to read! Thanks for sharing this book review with us 🙂
Thanks a lot for your last comment : )
my pleasure Larissa
I really like read books about fashion and this one sounds really interesting 🙂
It is an amazing book indeed
Wow, this sounds like a wonderful read; I’ll have to check it out! I love books like this, that are inspiring and share somewhat of a rags to riches story. It definitely sounds inspiring and I’m quite curious to learn what she’s been through and had to overcome to build the empire that we now know today as Jimmy Choo! Thanks for sharing, beauty, and I hope you have a lovely day 🙂
I’m so glad that you like my review! Have an amazing week!
I’m so glad that you like my review! Have an amazing week!
Great post, and fun pictures.. you do book reviews right!! – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
thank you dear
thank you dear
must be a nice book 🙂
it is great
it is great
What an inspiring read! Sounds like something I would love. Thanks for writing this
thanks for the comment!
thanks for the comment!
Sounds like a good book to check out. Thanks for your helpful review.
thanks for stopping by
thanks for stopping by
Sounds like an amazing book. I will check it out 🙂
It is wonderful, you will like it!
It is wonderful, you will like it!
Sounds like an amazing book! i will definitely check it out!
Happy Friday, my gorgeous friend!
xoxo, Vanessa
thanks beautiful! Have an amazing day!
thanks beautiful! Have an amazing day!
That sounds like an interesting read. The history of a brand and those that run it is always an eye opener.
aw the story is interesting indeed
wowww!!! I want to read it… thanks for sharing!
Thanks Eva
Thanks Eva
Sounds like an interesting read. I know a bit about Tamara Mellon, but not a lot. Thanks for the review. <3 xx/Madison
FT Kitchen
my pleasure, I’m so happy that you like it
my pleasure, I’m so happy that you like it
I love Tamara!! Gonna read it for sure!
Dora http://www.BangsBang.com
thanks Dora
It sounds interesting! I want to read it!
it seems really interesting! I’d like to read it!
happy that you like it
happy that you like it
Само да ми мине сесията и вече нямам търпение и аз да я прочета 😀
Идеята за кадри с лампички много ми харесва! :*
Благодаря, чудех се вече какво, за да е по-интересна фотосесията :)) Ще ти хареса, сигурна съм! Много успех на изпитите и скоро да се видим!
sounds interesting 🙂
yes, it is
Много обичам да чета такива истории за вдъхновяващи успели личности! Ще си взема и аз книжлето 🙂
Да да, ще ти хареса!
Да да, ще ти хареса!
my pleasure Nati
Looks likes an interesting read!! Love the fairy lights 😉
The Flower Duet