Hello, guys, today I’ll talk about fitness supplements and two very important exercises for legs. First I will tell you more about OnePWO by Fitnessguru. This is a pre-workout drink. To be honest smells sooo good and it’s delicious. You can choose from two flavors – apple and cola. You can drink OnePWO 30 minutes before strenuous physical activity. The best part is that OnePWO is a calorie-FREE performance-enhancing preworkout. Perfect for fat burning. Like my boy said “the blood burns my veins”. It gives perfect results and the best concentration on the workout. If you want to learn more about the ingredients and what is the price, check it out here.
Learn more about the awesome Fitnessguru Shaker here: http://cvetybaby.com/workout-smile-and-fitnessguru/
Здравейте, приятели, днес ще говоря за фитнес добавки и за две много важни упражнения за крака. Първо ще ви разкажа, за един продукт, който получих, за да го изпробвам. Казва се OnePWO by Fitnessguru. Това е напитка, която се пие преди тренировка. Мирише превъзходно и е много приятна на вкус. Предлага се в два вкуса – ябълка и кола. Може да я пиете 30 минути преди физически натоварвания. Най-хубавата част е, че не съдържа калории, но пък е идеална за горене на такива. Както казва моето момче ” Кръвта ми започва да кипи и усещам как се движи”. Като цяло съм изключително доволна от ефекта и най-важното дава перфектна концентрация за тренировка. Ако искате да научите повече за съставките и за цената може да видите тук.
Може да видите цветният шейкър, в който може да си я разтваряте и е супер удобен за носене, ето в тази статия: http://cvetybaby.com/workout-smile-and-fitnessguru/

Клековете са най-доброто упражнение за цялото тяло. Знаете как се правят, нали?!

I don’t know the exact name of this exercise so I’ll be happy if you tell me. I’ll call it swings legs backward. Great exercise, which is part of the classic pilates and is ideal for shaping the thighs. Repeat 30 to 50 times.

Really cool, Cvety! Love the GIFs, very useful for doing the exercises correctly! Go, girl! 😉
xoxo Ira
Thanks a lot Ira, have a nice day. Kisses!
Thank you, Cvety! You too, lovely!
Really cool, Cvety! Love the GIFs, very useful for doing the exercises correctly! Go, girl! 😉
xoxo Ira
Great post, thanks for sharing!! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Great post, thanks for sharing!! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
I love these GIFs of you! So cute!
thank you Tina
Sounds like a great pre workout drink.
I have tried before but didn’t work that well.
Maybe i’ll look for it.
The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin| Snapchat: bandwagonchic
thanks for the comment
Great post! I’m loving your fitness posts 🙂
love the GIFs, great job, my dear
thanks dear
I love those gifs! Very cool and informative post, as always
x- Naomi in Wonderland
thank you
Very cool workout images, Love kettle ball squats.
xx Falasha
Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin’
thanks love
It sounds amazing!! Love your short work out video. No wonder you have a great body!! Xo
aw thank you
Amazing fitness tips! Great gifs, I really enjoy these legs exercises! 🙂
NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/
thanks Jess
As a fitness junky i should try this !
thanks for stopping by. I can’t comment at your website, give me an error..
Very cool! Never tried this!!!
thanks Anna
Sounds cool. I need to give it a try. xx
It is nice
It is nice
So cool, girlfriend! Thanks for sharing!
Le Stylo Rouge
So cool, girlfriend! Thanks for sharing!
Le Stylo Rouge
my pleasure
my pleasure
Interesting product. Will definitely follow your fitness tips to get a body like yours 🙂 Thanks for sharing! xo
aw thanks a lot for the sweet comment :))
aw thanks a lot for the sweet comment :))
Interesting product. Will definitely follow your fitness tips to get a body like yours 🙂 Thanks for sharing! xo
Girl, you are really sporty! Keep working, you look so fab! kisses
thanks dear
thanks dear
Girl, you are really sporty! Keep working, you look so fab! kisses
Wow – a fitness supplement in cola flavor – that is a first! Sounds delicious!
xx Yasmin
thanks for the comment
thanks for the comment
Wow – a fitness supplement in cola flavor – that is a first! Sounds delicious!
xx Yasmin
Haha;) I hate squats;) second exercise is really great and that cola pre-workout drink must be tasty:)
thanks for stopping by
thanks for stopping by
Haha;) I hate squats;) second exercise is really great and that cola pre-workout drink must be tasty:)
I’ve got a kettlebell, I need to try that first exercise! Thanks Cvetina
Suze | LuxuryColumnist
thanks for the comment Suze
thanks for the comment Suze
I’ve got a kettlebell, I need to try that first exercise! Thanks Cvetina
Suze | LuxuryColumnist
Ah, good ‘ol squats. I have a love/hate relationship with them, haha.
I’ve never seen a cola fitness supplement! Interesting.
😀 thanks for the comment Diane
😀 thanks for the comment Diane
Ah, good ‘ol squats. I have a love/hate relationship with them, haha.
I’ve never seen a cola fitness supplement! Interesting.
so gorgeous, very nice post darling
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I wish you an happy day
thanks love
thanks love
so gorgeous, very nice post darling
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<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
I wish you an happy day
Много мразя клекове, натоварват ми зверски колената, но пък са ефектни, спор няма. Много готино за добавката, ще я имам предвид.