Здравейте, приятели! Последната седмица не бях много активна, защото бях на почивка и ми се искаше да минимизирам използването на интернет. За да се насладя изцяло на летните дни прекарани на плажа с коктейл в ръка. Е, не се получи точно така, тъй като бях на едно толкова прекрасно място и просто нямаше как да спра да споделям снимки от него. Тези от вас, които ме следят в Инстаграм, определено са забелязали това. Ако все още не ме следите, може да го направите @cvetybaby. Мястото, на което бях е Халкидики, Гърция в един от най-любимите ми хотели – Potidea Palace. В следващите няколко поста ще може да се разходите из него, чрез локациите, които сме избрали за снимки и разбира се ще споделя повече информация защо точно него да изберете за следващата си почивка. Реших да започна с този аутфит, тъй като тук все още нямам летен загар и сметнах, че пастелните цветове и определено различните нюанси на нежно розово са иделен избор за вечерна визия. Стилна и романтична, в унисон с лятото.
Hello, guys! At the last week I was not very active because I was on vacation and I tried to minimize the Internet, cause I wanted to fully enjoy the beach days with cocktail in my hand. Well, did not work out, because I was in such a wonderful place and just couldn’t stop to share photos. Those of you who follow me on Instagram definitely noticed that. If you don’t – follow me now @cvetybaby. The location was Halkidiki, Greece, one of my favorite hotels – Potidea Palace. In the next few posts I’ll share more places and information about it and why you must choose it for your next vacation. I decided to start with this outfit, because here I don’t have summer tan yet and I think the pastels and different shades of pink are perfect choice for an evening look. Stylish and romantic, complimented by summer.

pink crop top Zara, pink high waisted trousers H&M, leather nude mules H&M, nude crossbody bag Forever 21, pink pom pom H&M, pearls necklace Avon, leg bracelet Avon, watch Classy Sheffield by Daniel Wellington;
Location Potidea Palace Hotel, Greece

Wonderful style. You look beautiful and sensational high-heeled shoes. Share your outfit on my blog.
thanks a lot dear
Wonderful style. You look beautiful and sensational high-heeled shoes. Share your outfit on my blog.
Прекрасен панталон! Пастелните цветове и играта на дължини много ми харесва!
благодаря ти 🙂
Love the pink, and this pants is very perfect. Outfit chic, you are very well. 🙂
thanks Luna
thanks Luna
I’m loving this look! Simple, but still somehow very chic <3
thanks dear
thanks dear
I’m loving this look! Simple, but still somehow very chic <3
You look so beautiful darling! Love the outfit x
You look so beautiful darling! Love the outfit x
You look stunning. I hope your enjoyed your vacation. Such a fun hotel.
thanks dear
thanks dear
You look stunning. I hope your enjoyed your vacation. Such a fun hotel.
Perfect look dear! 🙂
Isa M., Tic Tac Living
Perfect look dear! 🙂
Isa M., Tic Tac Living
STUNNING in every sense of the word!
Check out the 1st installment of my festival style campaign with UK-brand BOOHOO – I’m sure you’ll love it!
Happy Thursday!
thanks dear
thanks dear
U look stunning! Love the soft baby pink colour of your outfit! In love with your style!
U look sooo gorgeous luv… each n every photo of yours is just mindblowing…u r a DIVA …. xoxo, Neha
This is a beautiful and fashion forward outfit! The dusty pink color is so pretty on you!
Love, Mary
Awesome outfit dear ^^ Love this shade of pink! xx
You look so pretty Cvety! Such a great outfit and I love Greece! xoxo
Stunning!! I love those shoes!
Adi xx