A healthy food is one that contains a good level and variety of nutrients, as well as being low in components known to have an adverse effect on us. Some of the most important nutrients for health are those that we need only in small amounts, but are essential for good health. These are vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and a vast range of plant chemicals, which are the newest stars of the nutrition world.
Една храна е здравословна, когато има високо съдържание на полезни хранителни вещеста и е добра за организма. Тя трябва да има ниско съдържание на вредни за здравето съставки. Най-важните хранителни вещества, от които се нуждаем трябва да приемаме в умерени количества. Това са витамини, минерали, незаменими мастни киселини и много полезни растителни храни, които са изключително популярни в здравословните диети днес.
be healthy...
Vitamins are minute particles that help to protect us from disease and are important in the day-to-day functioning, protection, and maintenance of our bodies. Vitamins that we need regularly but not necessarily every day because they can be stored in the body are:
Vitamin A – for healthy growth, skin, and vision.
Витамините са малки частици, които пък са изключително полезни за здравето ни и ни предпазват от много болести. Те защитават тялото ни и му помагат да функционира правилно всеки ден. Витамините, които трябва да приемаме непременно, но разбира се не всеки ден, защото се складират в организма са:
Витамин А – помага за правилен растеж, много полезен за кожата и зрението.
Vitamin D – for calcium absorption and other functions./ Витамин Д – помага за приемането на калций и за други функции на тялото
Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease. / Витамин Е – силен антиоксидант, който помага за сърдечно-съдови заболявания.
Vitamin C – for the immune system, to help iron absorption. An antioxidant./ Витамин Ц – за имунната система, помага за абсорбирането на желязото в огранизма. Добър антиоксидант.
Vitamin B group – these work for growth, a healthy nervous system and food metabolism. / Витамини от група Б – помагат за правилен растеж, за здрава нервна система и за добър метаболизъм.
There are 15 minerals that we need to get from what we eat and drink. The major minerals are:
Calcium – for healthy bones.
Има 15 минерали, които трябва да приемаме от храната и напитките си. Главните минерали, които трябва да приемаме са:
Калций – за здрави кости.
Iron – for healthy blood and transportation of oxygen./ Желязо – за здраво кръвобращение и движението на кислород в организма.
Magnesium – for bone density, a healthy nervous system, heart and muscles./ Магнезий – за костната плътност, здрава нервна система, сърце и мускули.
Potassium – for the regulation of blood pressure and for a healthy heart./ Калий – за регулиране на кръвното налягане и здраво сърце.
Zinc – for a healthy immune system and beautiful skin./ Цинк – за здрава имунна система и красива кожа.
Selenium – for a healthy immune system./ Селен – за здрава имунна система.
Fats in your diet
All fats – at 9 cal per gram. They are a source of energy, but the type of fat we find in our food and their effect in our health can vary considerably.
Saturated fats – These are the solid fats found in highest amounts in animal fats. Over consumption is linked with increased blood cholesterol and heart disease.
Всички мазнини съдъжат 9 кал. за грам. Те са добър източник на енергия, но видовете мазнини, които приемаме имат различно влияние върху организма и здравето ни.
Наситени мазнини – това са тежките мазнините, най-голямо съдържание намираме в животинските продукти. Прекомерната им употреба е свързанас повишен холестерол и сърдечни заболявания.
Trans fats – They can raise blood cholesterol and are linked to increased risk of heart disease./ Транс мазнини – Те могат да повишат холестерола и са виновни за сърдечно-съдови заболявания. Избягвайте ги.
Monounsaturated fats – Regular consumption appears to have a protective effect against both heart disease and some types of cancer./ Мононенаситените мазнини – редовната консумация има защитен ефект срещу сърдечни заболявания и някои видове рак.
Polyunsaturated fats – This group contains the “essential fatty acids” and can help lower blood cholesterol, our intake of polyunsaturated fats tends to be more than adequate./ Полиненаситените мазнини – тази група съдържа “незаменими мастни киселини” и могат да помогнат за понижаване на холестерола. Приемът им е повече от необходим.
Essential fatty acids – within the polyunsaturated group of fats. There are two essential fats that the body can’t manufacture itself: the omega-6 fat linoleic acid and omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid. They have a lot of benefits for the body./ Незаменимите мастни киселини – те са в групата на полиненаситени мазнини. Има два основни вида, които тялото не може да произвежда само: омега-6 линолова масна киселина и омега-3 алфа-линоленова мастна киселина. Те имат много ползи за организма.
This term is used to describe foods that have particularly potent health benefits. They contain a high level of vitamins. Superfoods offer us protection from diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease and also help everyday well-being. Any diet that contains a wide variety of plant foods should be rich in “superfoods”.
Този термин се използва за описание на храни, които имат особено мощни ползи за здравето. Те съдържат високо съдържание на витамини. Суперхраните ни предлагат защита от болести, като рак, артрит и сърдечно-съдови заболявания, а също така ще ви помогне за ежедневното ви благополучие. Всяка диета, която съдържа голямо разнообразие от растителни храни, трябва да бъде богата на “суперхрани”.
Usefull post!
Usefull post!
Thanks dear
Very good post and very well thought through. Well done!!
Lu | http://www.balgarka.co.uk
Very good post and very well thought through. Well done!!
Lu | http://www.balgarka.co.uk
Thanks Lu
wooow..this is a great list..I think i must stop eating junk food and incline more towards healthy food 😀
wooow..this is a great list..I think i must stop eating junk food and incline more towards healthy food 😀
Thanks for the comment Purva
Interesting post Cvetina!!! You are a really expert of food!!! Have a nice day, kisses (and thank you for your visit),
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Thanks Eni
What a useful post! I think the amount of info about what is healthy can be overwhelming, but you’ve summed it up beautifully 🙂
Rachel xxx
My Redken Diamond Oil Giveaway
Thanks for the comment dear
Great post, so useful!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
thanks dear
A very good visual reminder of what’s healthy to eat and what is not
Suze | LuxuryColumnist
Thanks for stopping by
Amazing healthy food guide. It’s really important to eat healthy 🙂
🙂 Thanks for the comment Mira
This is an incredible healthy food guide.
Thanks for sharing babe
Check my new post.
The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin
thanks for the comment
Super interesting post!!!
This was an interesting post! I try to eat healthy, but I just can’t resist some junk food. All in moderation I think! xx
Femme with Flair
:)) Sometime cheating is not a big problem I think..
:)) Sometime cheating is not a big problem I think..
I’ve read a lot about these things, but it’s a tough job to remember all of that info. You’ve done a great thing by summing it up – very useful I’d say 🙂
Purely Me by Denina Martin
Thank you so much for stopping by Denina
Thank you so much for stopping by Denina
Very wise and intresting informations about healthy food! Thanks for sharing:)
My pleasure dear
My pleasure dear
Very educational, Cvety! My family and I have lots of these on our meal plan – it’s very important to live healthy nowadays and using fresh / organic food! Thanks for reminding it, love! Great work!!! <3
xxx Ira
Aw thanks for the comment Ira, you always are so kind! thanks
It’s my pleasure! That’s what friends are for! ;-P Thank you for your lovely reply, Cvety! Have an amazing day, darling!
Have a nice day too :* <3 Kisses
😉 Thanks! <3
It’s my pleasure! That’s what friends are for! ;-P Thank you for your lovely reply, Cvety! Have an amazing day, darling!
Have a nice day too :* <3 Kisses
Aw thanks for the comment Ira, you always are so kind! thanks
so great tips 🙂
my pleasure
my pleasure
Love this post! Food is my number one passion, but only when it’s healthy.
Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’
🙂 Thanks for the comment Connie
🙂 Thanks for the comment Connie
Great post! I attempt to eat healthy and it is fantastic to have this type de reminder!
:)) Thanks fro stopping by
Committing to healthy eating can be overwhelmong and an uphill task. Thanks for this great summary. Will come in handy for me. http://fashionablyidu.blogspot.com/
Aw thanks for the sweet comment beautiuful
Hi lovely, great post, I was looking at this info last night! thanks for sharing. xx
Glamoury Armory Blog
Hi lovely, great post, I was looking at this info last night! thanks for sharing. xx
Glamoury Armory Blog
my pleasure
my pleasure
Great post!! I have been slacking lately, so this was a great reminder!! Thanks for sharing!!
Great post!! I have been slacking lately, so this was a great reminder!! Thanks for sharing!!
my pleasure dear
my pleasure dear
Great post! I’ve been trying REALLY hard to eat healthy recently.. <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Great post! I’ve been trying REALLY hard to eat healthy recently.. <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
thanks for stopping by
thanks for stopping by
I love this post! I have been trying to eat healthy– and I’m really enjoying it!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
I love this post! I have been trying to eat healthy– and I’m really enjoying it!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
thank you so much Melanie
thank you so much Melanie
I love this 🙂 I always try eating more halthy 🙂 Of course it is really important but sometime you just have to eat something unhealthy 😀
I love this 🙂 I always try eating more halthy 🙂 Of course it is really important but sometime you just have to eat something unhealthy 😀
thank you so much for the comment, one cheating day is not a problem i think :))
thank you so much for the comment, one cheating day is not a problem i think :))
Wow Cvety, what a wonderful post!! Just what I needed!! Thank you for the inspiration! Gotta start eating healthily!! <3
My pleasure Ash. Thanks for stopping by!
My pleasure Ash. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow Cvety, what a wonderful post!! Just what I needed!! Thank you for the inspiration! Gotta start eating healthily!! <3
Great informative post. Even though I try to be healthy always when it comes to eating but we all need a reminder like this:)
thanks for the comment
thanks for the comment
Доста подробна и полезна информация! За някои от храните знаех, че са полезни, но не знаех за класифицирането им. Хубаво е човек да се храни здравословно, да не се лишава и да не гладува, но всичко да е в рамките на полезното. И никакви пакетирани храни. Много ми хареса този пост, благодаря ти!
Много се радвам, че ти харесва поста :)) Хубава седмица, Сани :*
Много се радвам, че ти харесва поста :)) Хубава седмица, Сани :*