Hello, guys, today I share 25 fact about me. A big thank you to two wonderful girls about the tag. I hope you like the post.
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Hello, guys, today I share 25 fact about me. A big thank you to two wonderful girls about the tag. I hope you like the post.
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This was a really fun post! I enjoyed reading this and getting to know you better. Thanks for sharing 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com
Thanks for stopping by!
Завиждам ти,че не обичаш шоколад,аз не мога да живея без него 🙂
Great! I enjoyed this post!
Kisses from Miami
thanks dear
Great post and #13 is totally my wife. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!
Eye See Euphoria | http://blog.eyeseeeuphoria.com/2016/02/17/emilliopucci2016campaign/
😀 thanks for stopping by
nice post!! 14th is the best 🙂
Blog: http://www.fashi0n-m0de.blogspot.it
YouTube: goo.gl/wAOESm
Great reading more about you Cvety! I am now going to put Nausea on my list of books to read. :)) Love reading.
thanks for stopping by Tania
It was really nice going through your post dear..loved reading it and got to know more about you also..i like the 13th point to the core..great..:)
thanks a lot for stopping by
Много мил пост, Цвети. Имаме доста общи неща, но и в доста неща се различаваме. Например аз също пия по 1 кафе за деня и то сутрин и сменям парфюмите доста често, но не понасям уиски. Това може би е единственият алкохол, към който имам такава непоносимост:) Разбира се, има си история.
Много мил пост, Цвети. Имаме доста общи неща, но и в доста неща се различаваме. Например аз също пия по 1 кафе за деня и то сутрин и сменям парфюмите доста често, но не понасям уиски. Това може би е единственият алкохол, към който имам такава непоносимост:) Разбира се, има си история.
Хаха, ще се радвам да я чуя :)))
Хаха, ще се радвам да я чуя :)))
Yet again, a really cool post. It was great learning more about you. I like how you buy a new perfume every year, I bet you have a great collection, x
Yet again, a really cool post. It was great learning more about you. I like how you buy a new perfume every year, I bet you have a great collection, x
thanks for stopping by gorgeous
thanks for stopping by gorgeous
Amazing tag!!!
kisses dear
Amazing tag!!!
kisses dear
So lovely, dear!
thanks dear
thanks dear
So lovely, dear!
It was great getting to know you better through this post, Cvety! I had no idea you graduated law school, congrats on that achievement! I also enjoy wine, Pinot Noir, to be exact 🙂 I think that’s so cute how you collect napkins! Such a fun post, thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have a great weekend!
haha thanks for stopping by Jalisa
haha thanks for stopping by Jalisa
So nice to know more about you! I love rock music and wine but need some chocolate too. Great post!
thanks dear
thanks dear
So nice to know more about you! I love rock music and wine but need some chocolate too. Great post!
i’m a wine lover too, Nice to get to know you more on the blog, great post and have a lovely weekend.
thanks dear xx
thanks dear xx
i’m a wine lover too, Nice to get to know you more on the blog, great post and have a lovely weekend.
Wine, chocolate and changing hair color among other things is so me! It’s nice to know you on the blogsphere dear.
Wine, chocolate and changing hair color among other things is so me! It’s nice to know you on the blogsphere dear.
thanks dear
thanks dear
Беше ми интересно да науча повече за теб, Цвети! :3
Много ти благодаря 🙂 Радвам се, че ти е било интересно.
Много ти благодаря 🙂 Радвам се, че ти е било интересно.
I’m also a wine and dark chocolate lover and I can’t lie/tolerate lie either and I love perfumes 🙂 ..Nice to know these facts about you 🙂
thanks dear
thanks dear
Прекрасни малки тайни за теб научих. Ние с теб явно имаме доста сходни неща – кафе сутрин, чаша вино вечер, мното рядко шоколад и то предимно черен, не обичаме прекалено сладко… виж за обяда малко се разминаваме 😉
ее един обяд не е нищо :)) ще се виждаме вечер на по чаша вино
Честно казано аз и като дете не обичах да ям, но пък имам други вредни навици.