Hello, folks! Today I’ll talk about how to order healthy food. When you don’t have time enough to cook for dinner after a long day at work – it’s easy to run the application and to order. But how many times the food who you’ve ordered, it was healthy. Think? When I like to think every time order I order dishes that actually avoid to eat and to cook. As I pass by “Well, come on once with nothing to harm me.” Yes, but this one time can be repeated several times a week, and as I think of the weekends we always “cheating.” Last week I had to order something because I had no opportunity to make dinner, rather than using the application of Foodpanda. It is extremely easy and have a fast selection of restaurants, food, etc. Most cool is that I asked section healthy food and came out all restaurants that offer it. You can see here: Foodpanda Healthy Cuisine .
Здравейте, приятели! Днес ще си говорим за това, как да поръчваме здравословна храна. Когато нямаме достатъчно време да сготвим за вечеря, след дълъг работен ден, най – лесно е да пуснем приложението и да поръчаме. Но колко пъти като сте поръчвали храна, тя е била здравословна. Помислете? Аз като се замисля всеки път поръчвам, ястия, които всъщност избягвам да хапвам и да готвя. Като минавам с думите ” Е , хайде един път с нищо няма да ми навреди”. Да, но този един път може да се повтаря няколко пъти в седмицата, а като се замислим през уикендите винаги му “отпускаме края”. Миналата седмица ми се наложи да поръчам нещо, защото нямах възможността да направя вечеря, от скоро използвам мобилното приложение на Foodpanda, защото е изключително лесно и бързо избирането на ресторант, храна и т.н. Като най-готино е, че зададох секция здравословна храна и излезнаха всички ресторанти, които я предлагат. Може да видите тук: Здравословна Кухня
I stopped to this restaurant Fit Meal Delivery, all foods it offered are entirely consistent with a healthy lifestyle. When you choosing food , you must to stop on fresh salads, soups, lean meats, etc. You know that, without I saying. But as I say choose – do it … The good thing about this restaurant, is that “junk food” is replaced by healthy one. As you can see from the photos, I chose wrap which is with a wheat bread, lean chicken, arugula, vegetables and red bean paste, and you know how looks like its unhealthy the equivalent. My man bet to beef meatballs with vegetables. I added a humus for the souce.
Аз се спрях на Fit Meal Delivery, като всичките храни, които предлагат са изцяло съобразени със здравословния начин на живот. Когато избирате храната си се спирайте на свежи салати, супи, крехки меса и т.н. Това си го знаете и без да ви го казвам. Но като казвам избирайте – го правете… Хубавото на този ресторант, на който се спрях е, че “вредните храни” са заменени с полезни. Както може да видите от снимките, аз си избрах рол сандвич (тип дюнер), който е с пшеничена питка, крехко пилешко филе, рукола, зеленчуци и паста от червен боб, а знаете как изглежда вредният му еквивалент. Моят мъж заложи на телешки кюфтенца със зеленчуци. Добавих и един хумус като сос.
Some Healthy Lifestyle Tips:
1. Consider eating fruit and vegetable salads instead of desserts.
2. Drink water instead of soft drinks.
3. With labels such as “fat free” or “sugar free” there are more chemicals. Most of the time, the simpler the ingredients list, the healthier the food is. For example, juicing your own orange juice is always healthier than store bought orange juice.
4. Make sure there isn’t a lot of unhealthy food in your house that can tempt you. Give or throw away the foods you shouldn’t eat.
5. Try chewing more. This will give your body more time to digest the food and absorb nutrients.
6. Cravings for junk food usually stop after about 2 weeks of eating healthy.
7. In order to function properly the body must take fats, such as omega-3 and other healthy fats. Take raw nuts, fish, avocados, olive oil, coconut, etc.
8. Contrary to the opinion that alcohol is unhealthy, one glass of wine is good for your body. But do not overdo it.
9. Do not miss breakfast!
10. Have patience.
Няколко съвета за здравословен живот:
1. Помислете да замените десертите с плодова или зеленчукова салата.
2. Пийте вода вместо безалкохолни напитки.
3. Продуктите с етикети “без мазнини” или “без захар” имат много повече химикали от останалите. В повечето случаи, колкото по-прост е съставът на продуктите, толкова по-полезни са те. Например, като изстискате собсвен портокалов сок е много по-полезно за вашия организъм, отколкото този сок, който сте купили от магазина.
4. Уверете се, че нямате много нездравословна храна в дома си, която може да ви изкуши. Дайте или изхвърлете храните, които не трябва да се ядат.
5. Опитайте се да дъвчете повече. Това ще даде на тялото ви повече време за смилане на храната и усвояване на хранителните и вещества.
6. Апетитът към нездравословната храна, обикновено спира след около 2 седмици на здравословно хранене.
7. За да функционира правилно организмът ви, трябва да приемате мазнини, като омега-3 и други полезни такива. Приемайте сурови ядки, риба, авокадо, зехтин, кокос и т.н.
8. Противно на мненията, че алкохолът е вреден, една чаша вино е полезна за организма. Но не прекалявайте.
9. Не пропускайте закуска!
10. Имайте търпение.
The good thing is that we develop. More and more healthy menu push the junk food. Note that, this is a lifestyle, not a diet. Whether you are out, whether ordering a takeaway, you do for your health.. Doesn’t matter how you look like – slim of curvy. Consider how you want to live and look? Everything depends on you.
Хубавото е, че се развиваме и сме склонни да опитваме нови неща. Все повече и повече здравословните менюта избутват лошата храна. Имайте предвид, че това е начин на живот, а не някаква диета. Независимо дали сте навън, дали поръчвате храна за вкъщи, вие го правите за здравето си. Без значение дали сте слаби или пълни. Замислете се как искате да живеете и да изглеждате? Всичко зависи от вас.
look so delicious! kiss
look so delicious! kiss
thanks dear
Страхотен пост, в който има много полезна информация.
Задължително ще изпробвам.
Страхотен пост, в който има много полезна информация.
Задължително ще изпробвам.
Радвам се, че ти харесва 🙂
Радвам се, че ти харесва 🙂
Great tips, babe!
Important to stick with healthy ordering options!
Le Stylo Rouge
Great tips, babe!
Important to stick with healthy ordering options!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
Много интересен и вдъхновяващ пост 🙂
Благодаря 🙂
Благодаря 🙂
What a cool app, thanks for the tips!
My pleasure :))
My pleasure :))
Great tips, and what a fabulous app! Your advice is very wise and well thought out!
Thanks for sharing this, and emphasizing nutrition and not just weight loss.
xx, Elle
I’m glad that u like it, thanks.
I’m glad that u like it, thanks.
Great healthy tips! Thanks for sharing!
my pleasure
Great tips Tsvetina! I think the biggest takeaway for me is to eat breakfast as I normally don’t make time in the morning to do that. Thanks for a very insightful post dear! Have a great day! xo~ Lena
My pleasure, dear Lena! Breakfast is the most important meal all the day.. i never miss it
Awesome post – thanks for the tips!
xo Jaime
My pleasure
Thanks for yuor tips, it seems a great app!
Un abbraccio
Eva e Valentina the anarCHIC
thanks girls
thanks girls
Great tips! It can be hard to eat healthy when ordering out!
xx Cara
Great tips! It can be hard to eat healthy when ordering out!
xx Cara
Thanks Cara 🙂 I’m glad that u like them
Thanks Cara 🙂 I’m glad that u like them
That’s a lovely idea!! Yummy :))
new post
thanks Rosa.
thanks Rosa.
That’s a lovely idea!! Yummy :))
new post
I just came across your blog and who designed it??? It’s so pretty!
Little Moon Elephant
I just came across your blog and who designed it??? It’s so pretty!
Little Moon Elephant
I work with http://webstudiomonaco.com/
Yummy healthy food :)))
Great pics and review!
Yummy healthy food :)))
Great pics and review!
thanks dear
Love the tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂
My pleasure
Great post!
Great post!
Great healthy eating tips! I’m learning to eat healthier this year and so far, I’ve been drinking more water than soda. But whenever I go out to eat, I always feel as if it’s a cheat day for me haha. Thanks for the tips! Will definitely apply it for whenever I’m eating!
Katherine Lou
Thank you, I’m s glad that you like my post! Have a nice day.
Great post! http://lachiquitamissi.com
Great post! http://lachiquitamissi.com
Great post – thank you for the tips! Xx
Great post – thank you for the tips! Xx
thank you
That is pretty cool. We have something similar but in my area it’s mostly the unhealthy, greasy but oh-so yummy naughty stuff hehehe!
😀 I see, thanks for your visit and comment S
Great post! I struggle with ordering anything at all healthy when I get takeout or go to dinners… I kind of view it as my “excuse” to eat poorly, but it’s so not right!!!
My Closet Life Blog
Great post! I struggle with ordering anything at all healthy when I get takeout or go to dinners… I kind of view it as my “excuse” to eat poorly, but it’s so not right!!!
My Closet Life Blog
Thanks for your honest words :))
Hi sweetie
So good!
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Thanks Maggie
So many wonderful healthy tips!
Thanks for sharing Miss!
My pleasure dear
Wow this is amazing app. so helpful when you can’t cook and most important healthy. Thanks for great tips. Kiss,
Wow this is amazing app. so helpful when you can’t cook and most important healthy. Thanks for great tips. Kiss,
My pleasure Mel! I’m happy that u like them
wow!! great post darling!!
wow!! great post darling!!
Great pictures
everything look so delicious
wonderful post darling
thanks dear
Great tips darling, a lot of healthy proposals!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
Thanks for your visit Paola
Great tips darling, a lot of healthy proposals!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
What an amazing app! The tips are so great too! Thanks for sharing! x
What an amazing app! The tips are so great too! Thanks for sharing! x
My pleasure
I love healthy food! What a great app and great post too 🙂
Thank you so much
I love healthy food! What a great app and great post too 🙂
Such a great post! xx, Hayley http://www.dailydoseofdarling.com
thanks Hayley
Yum yum for an easy way to order healthy food when you had no time:). They looks delicious! Thanks for sharing this goodie:).
Tanya xx
My pleasure Tanya 🙂 I’m glad that u like it
Love this post, what an amazing app!
God bless,
xo, Claire
Thank you dear
Love this post, what an amazing app!
God bless,
xo, Claire
It looks so yummy and healthy 🙂
Delizoso this post. Sai: I got hungry ..
bloglovin follower
Delizoso this post. Sai: I got hungry ..
bloglovin follower
🙂 thanks
This is great! i’m slowly jumping on the healthy bandwagon!
thats great
This is great! i’m slowly jumping on the healthy bandwagon!
Useful, especially after hard day in work. It looks really appetizing.
Thanks for the visit, i’m so happy that you like my post
I just downloaded the app! Thank you! i have been needing something like this!
City Fashion Girl
I just downloaded the app! Thank you! i have been needing something like this!
City Fashion Girl
My pleasure Bri
Eating healthy is one of the best habits we can have, great post
Fashion and Cookies
Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin
🙂 Thanks
Eating healthy is one of the best habits we can have, great post
Fashion and Cookies
Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin
Yummy food. http://sophialastyles.blogspot.co.uk/
I enjoy eating healthy and yes, I do have cheat days too. I believe it is all about balance and enjoying everything we do. Loving ourselves is the first thing we must learn to do. When we love ourselves we automatically desire to take care of our bodies and our minds too:-) Great application and food ideas. Thanks for sharing! XOXO, Jeannette
My pleasure, Jeannette. I’m so happy that you like my post and you are honest in your opinions. thanks a lot!
Great post. I am afraid because of our extreme cold winter, all I want to do is eat unhealthy stuff. But you have a point, once I get back on track, I can hold on to my good healthy lifestyle again. I will try:)
Aw yes, this winter was very cold, but now we waiting for spring and new begging and definitely we must change unhealthy lifestyle 🙂 Thanks a lot for your visit and comment.
Fantastic pointers on eating healthy, even when eating out! I am very conscience of what I order when out for dinner. Thanks doll!
My pleasure! I’m so glad that you like it! xx
Que app legal 🙂
Aqui nos tb temos parecidos rs!!
Beijos, Té
I so need to take your advice on eating healthy!! I eat a lot of bad and unhealthy food 🙁
OMG and you look so perfect? How you do that?
Those food are tempting.
Looks yummy.
Thank you!
Such great inspiration Cvety, looks yummy and healthy!
xx 365Hangers
Thanks for your visit and comment! xx
It sounds good! Very interesting!
Thanks dear
Unfortunately i don’t know..
И на мен много ми хареса в сайта на Foodpanda, че има здравословна кухня. Този рол сандвич изглежда много вкусно, ще си поръчам някой път и аз. А за правилата съм напълно съгласна. Не са много, не са сложни и да, вярно е, че здравословното хранене е начин на живот, не диета. Между другото днес си купих чиа семена и нямам търпение да изпробвам рецептата ти!
Много се радвам, Сани :)) Аз вече само това закусвам :д (може да си забелязала в Инстаграм). Ще очаквам да кажеш дали ти харесва.
This food looks amazing, just goes to show healthy doesn’t mean bland or boring! There’s a few restaurants in Leeds that do healthy foods so when I really can’t be bothered to cook I’ll order from there first 🙂 I love that more restaurants are offering healthy menus now!
India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens
This food looks amazing, just goes to show healthy doesn’t mean bland or boring! There’s a few restaurants in Leeds that do healthy foods so when I really can’t be bothered to cook I’ll order from there first 🙂 I love that more restaurants are offering healthy menus now!
India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens
Yes, that’s great 🙂