Hello fellas, a few days I preparing this post as I tried to do the most interesting for you. Together with an awesome person, we came a great idea to do a new rubric on the blog, which is linked to the different cultures of the world. I’ve traveled quite a few and I can share personal observations from some places in the world, but I hope yet to begin my travels. The beginning of this new idea, my inspiration comes from Italy. An amazing country that has a lot of history and architecture, it amaze a human eye, no less famous food and wine and of course nice people and wonderful music. I tried to gather some of the most iconic things strange, as I hope to keep it interesting and enjoyable.
I’ve got one of the best, for me personally, Italian songs to penetrate further into this Italian inspiration, just play it and enjoy the music while reading below.
Здравейте приятели, от няколко дни подготвям този пост, като се опитах да го направя възможно най-интересен за вас. Заедно, с един много готин човек ни хрумна страхотна идея, да направя нова рубрика в блога, която да е свързана с различните култури по света. Пътувала съм не малко и мога да споделя и лични наблюдения от доста места, но се надявам тепърва да започвам пътешествията си. Като начало на тази нова идея, вдъхновението ми пристига от Италия. Една невероятна държава, която има богата история и архитектура, удивяваща човешкото око, не по-малко известната храна и вино и разбира се приятни хора и невероятна музика. Опитала съм да събера едни от най-интересните и емблематични неща за страната, като се надявам да ви е интересно и приятно.
Това е най-хубавата, лично за мен, италианска песен. С нея искам да навлезнете още повече в това италианско вдъхновение. Просто дайте плей и се наслаждавайте на музиката, докато четете по-надолу.

First stop – Italian food. Well known pizza, traveled around the world, fantastic pasta and delicious gelato.
Since I can not be transferred to Italy to have a food and take pictures, I decided to use a new for Bulgaria and super easy application Foodpanda. I guess many of you know it or used it repeatedly. Well, when looking for a theme dinner, just go easy in application, set Italian food and voala. The choice is huge, but since I know what I want to show you I picked pizza and pasta from one restaurant and a Caprese salad and bruschetta from another one. Italy was transported at home and I’m ready to show you delicious and warm food scented basil and pesto in the pictures below.
Първа спирка – Италианската храна. Добре познатата ни пица, обиколила целият свят, както и невероятната паста и вкусен сладолед. Тъй като няма как да се пренеса в Италия, за да си похапна и да снимам, реших да използвам едно ново за България и супер лесно приложение Foodpanda. Предполагам, че много от вас го знаят или са го използвали многократно. Е, когато търся някаква тематична вечеря, просто влизам бързо и лесно в приложението, задавам италианска храна и воала. Изборът е огромен, но тъй като аз знам какво искам да ви покажа се спрях на пица и паста от един ресторант и Капрезе салатка и брускети от друг. Успях да пренеса Италия вкъщи и съм готова да ви покажа вкусна и топла храна с аромат на босилек и песто на снимките по-долу.

For a pizza and a pasta have nothing to tell you, because they are so widespread and has a great selection of flavors and types that will become boring to read it forever. In this case, I bet in a classic Margarita and spaghetti Milanese with nuts.
I want to draw more attention to the traditional Italian Caprese salad. It consists of peeled tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and olive oil, also known as antipasto and one of the main dishes of the Italians, as the products themselves have the colors of their national flag. Usually it is served with a freshly baked bread, but I chose to combine it with Caprese Bruschetta with prosciutto, also very famous Italian dish.
За пицата и пастата няма какво да ви обяснявам, тъй като са толкова разпространени и има голям избор на вкусове и видове, че ще стане отегчително да го четете цяла вечност. В случая аз заложих на класическа Маргарита и Спагети по Милански с ядки.
Иска ми се да обърна повече внимание на традиционна италианска Салата Капрезе. Тя се състои от белени домати, моцарела, босилек и зехтин, известна също като антипаста и едно от основните блюда на италианците, като самите продукти имат цветове на националния им флаг. Попринцип се сервира с прясно изпечен хляб, но аз избрах да я комбинирам с Брускети Капрезе с прошуто, също много известно италианско ястие.

Next stop – Italian wine. A wide variety of fine wines. One of the famous Italian wines is Chianti, but in Italy have many others, unfortunately I’m not so great specialist of varieties of wines, but I’m a good consumer :))) I found a very interesting card in the internet of all provinces in which wine is produced and what is it.
Следваща спирка – Италианско Вино. Голямо разнообразие на изискани вина, като едно от по-известните е Кианти, но и ред други, за жалост не съм толкова голям специалист на сортове грозде и разнообразието от вина, а само добър консуматор :))) Намерих много интересна карта в интернет на всички провинции, в които се произвежда вино и какво е то.

About the Fashion has nothing to say, we all know how many famous worldwide brands have their origins in this wonderful country. However, Milan is one of the fashion capitals .. I personally am a great lover of Italian fashion :))
За модата няма какво да кажа, всички знаем колко много световно известни брандове водят началото си от тази прекрасна държава. Все пак Милано е една от столиците на модата.. Аз лично съм и голям любител :))

Last but not least I have selected a playlist with one of my favorite Italian songs, we know that Italy is famous for its beautiful music worldwide. We pay particular attention to opera singers, known worldwide – Andrea Bocelli and Luciano Pavarotti.
Не на последно място съм ви подбрала един плейлист с мои любими италиански песни, като знаем, че Италия се слави с прекрасната си музика по цял свят. Особено внимание обръщам на оперните изпълнители – Андреа Бочели и Лучано Павароти.

I want to share with you some of my experiences from last year, Rimini, Bologna,San Marino, Italia in Miniatura. I have been in many Italian cities, but then I did not blog posts I have written about them. I would be very happy if you share your view of this post and if you like the idea to write about my inspirations all around the world?
Накрая искам да споделя с вас няколко мои преживявания от миналата година Римини, Болоня, Италия в миниатюра, Сан Марино. Ходила съм в много италиански градове, но тогава нямах блог и не съм писала постове за тях. Много бих се радвала , ако споделите мнение за тази статия и дали ви допада идеята, да пиша повече за вдъхновенията си от цял свят?

*some of the pics are from internet, food pictures by me & Foodpanda 🙂
Yummy yummi, crave the food, live in the country now, but can’t eat it any more……
Loved this song before I came here, seemed to me the spirit of Italy and youth!!!
Great post!!!
Yummy yummi, crave the food, live in the country now, but can’t eat it any more……
Loved this song before I came here, seemed to me the spirit of Italy and youth!!!
Great post!!!
Thank you so much!xx
Thank you so much!xx
Браво, Цвети! Идеята е страхотна и много ми харесва :))) Италия ми е любимата страна, неведнъж съм го казвала- родена съм, за да живея там <3 Пожелавам ти да посетиш всяка една държава, за която ще напишеш пост 🙂
Браво, Цвети! Идеята е страхотна и много ми харесва :))) Италия ми е любимата страна, неведнъж съм го казвала- родена съм, за да живея там <3 Пожелавам ти да посетиш всяка една държава, за която ще напишеш пост 🙂
Благодаря ти, Диди :))
Благодаря ти, Диди :))
Love italian food and wine, great post
Love italian food and wine, great post
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
Italian food is one of my favorites…yum!
God bless,
XO, Claire
Thanks Claire
Italian food is one of my favorites…yum!
God bless,
XO, Claire
Wonderful music and food! Fantastic post!
Thanks dear
Fabulous food! Very inspiring post.
Thanks Simera
Thanks Simera
Fabulous food! Very inspiring post.
LOVE Italian food, definitely one of the bests! Great relay of a little taste of Italy, very insightful and fun! Have a great one Tsvetina! 🙂 xo~ Lena
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! xx
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! xx
Еййй, Цвети, този пост е повече от страхотен! С две ръце подкрепям идеята, а за храната… Изглежда толкова вкусно!
Еййй, Цвети, този пост е повече от страхотен! С две ръце подкрепям идеята, а за храната… Изглежда толкова вкусно!
И беше :))) но гледам да не го правя често :Д Благодаря
И беше :))) но гледам да не го правя често :Д Благодаря
I love the look of this blog series. When I went to Italy we had the nicest pizza I’ve ever tried!
Corinne x
I love the look of this blog series. When I went to Italy we had the nicest pizza I’ve ever tried!
Corinne x
:)) yess, the best pizza ever
:)) yess, the best pizza ever
nice post!
nice post!
Lovely post. I love italian food, have only tried few times.http://sophialastyles.blogspot.co.uk/
Thanks for the comment
Thanks for the comment
Great post! I like Italian food and cook Italian food sometime!
Simple Beauty Tips
:)) That’s amazing, thanks
:)) That’s amazing, thanks
I love all the inspiration!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
🙂 thanks dear
🙂 thanks dear
Loved this post about Italy! 🙂 One little thing: I’ve been living here for 7 years now and I’ve never heard of peeling tomatoes for a caprese 🙂
Bella Pummarola
When I was in Italy, I never ate Caprese, more often order it in Bulgaria and here tomatoes are peeled.
When I was in Italy, I never ate Caprese, more often order it in Bulgaria and here tomatoes are peeled.
I love everything Italian. Food, language, country and of course fashion. 🙂 Great post.
March and May
:)) thank you
:)) thank you
I’ve been to Italy and I loved it! Italian food is the best! Very delicious and very filling <3
:))) thanks for the lovely comment
:))) thanks for the lovely comment
What a lovely post (and idea in general)! I’m obsessed with Italian food and that Pizza looks soooo good! I’m having some serious food envy right now 😀
Jasmin xx
Thanks for the sweet words Jasmin. Appreciate them :))
Thanks for the sweet words Jasmin. Appreciate them :))
I love Italian food 🙂
Me too 🙂
The food looks delicious
Ох, колко полезен и апетитен пост само. :))
:))) Thanks
I’m so happy that u like Italian food and music, because i’m Italian!!!What a fabulous pics but now i’m so hungry… i want pizza!!! very nice post darling
see u soon kisses
Thank you so much for the kind comment dear
what a great idea for your new blog section! lovely italian post!
a possible fantasy
Thanks dear
Amazing post! Italy is a fantastic place, I would love to visit the whole country! =)
NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/
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:)) beautiful place
Great post! Food looks so good
Thanks Mel
Omg, everything looks so tasty. Thanks for making me hungry like crazy. Great photos.
http://www.stylegonerogue.com (new post)
:))) thanks for the comment
Omg, everything looks so tasty. Thanks for making me hungry like crazy. Great photos.
http://www.stylegonerogue.com (new post)
The food looks yummy. Love Italian cousin and this post was very interesting to read. xx
Thanks Nina
Oh Cvety, adorable post!!!
I live in Emilia Romagna. Great food
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Thank you Maggie
Oh I looooove everything from Italy! Fashion, shoes and esp. the food. Everything looks super yummy!
xx glamdevils.com / miradevils.blogspot.com
:)) Thanks for the comment
Italy is one of my favourite countries in the world. I adore the fashion and the food. I have been on quite some holidays as well in holiday. Rome and tuscany are both gorgoeus, milan is a bit disappointing. This year I’m going to lake Garda, lake como, Bologna, Venice and Verona.
x Karen
Aw your trip sounds really good.. This year I will visit Sicily :))
I’m living in Italy and the italian cusine is one of the best in the world! like so yummy!! kiss
Thanks for the comment
Готина идея за поста и както винаги – чудесни снимки! 🙂
Благодаря ти :)))
I love love Italian food. This looks so delicious. Made me hungry just from watching these photos 🙂 Kiss, Mel
:)) Thanks for the kind words Mel
Nice post sweetie!!
Thanks dear
Awesome post. Thanks for sharing.
Eye See Euphoria | http://eyeseeeuphoria.com/post/linda-farrow-spring-summer-15
My pleasure 🙂 Have a nice day! xx
I love the idea behind this post! Really really awesome 😀
Thank you Camilla
Such a great idea for your blog! All that food looks so amazing…we do a huge Italian feast at Christmas and it is always the best!
Clothes & Quotes
Sounds great :))
Love the idea!That food looks so good 🙂
Love the idea!That food looks so good 🙂
And now I am starving! Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure Kat
And now I am starving! Thanks for sharing!
Ah that food looks sooo good! I want to go to Italy!!!
Ah that food looks sooo good! I want to go to Italy!!!
:))) Beautiful place is Italy
I’m so glad that you love my italy!!!!
Delicious food!
Have a great start of the week!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
I’m so glad that you love my italy!!!!
Delicious food!
Have a great start of the week!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
:))) Thanks dear
Such a great, inspirational post! And now I’m starving:)
Heidi D.
:)) Haha me too now
Such a great, inspirational post! And now I’m starving:)
Heidi D.
I love Italian food! Thanks for sharing Miss!
Have an amazing week!
I love Italian food! Thanks for sharing Miss!
Have an amazing week!
My pleasure Jeanne
This post has made me so hungry! The food looks amazing x
eleanor’s adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog
🙂 thanks dear
This post has made me so hungry! The food looks amazing x
eleanor’s adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog
Nice post, you made me hungry!^^
Nice post, you made me hungry!^^
:)) Thank you
I’m getting hungry just reading this post! Delicious food!
I’m getting hungry just reading this post! Delicious food!
😀 Thanks Joanna
great post! Although I can’t look at it too much… it’s making me so hungry.
I’d love it if you could check out my blog as well! Maybe we could follow each other:) xx afashionneverland.blogspot.com
great post! Although I can’t look at it too much… it’s making me so hungry.
I’d love it if you could check out my blog as well! Maybe we could follow each other:) xx afashionneverland.blogspot.com
haha 🙂 thanks dear
Great post, the food looks amazing <3
(IG: @TheStardustBohemian)
Thanks dear
Believe it or not, I know quite a few Italians in my life. LOL! My ex-boss and few of my colleagues are Italians and they are so passionate about their food and wine. And yes, they have strong hand gestures too! LOL!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Aww unfortunately I don’t know any Italians in my life.. I saw them in Italy and they are really kind, but that’s all..
Believe it or not, I know quite a few Italians in my life. LOL! My ex-boss and few of my colleagues are Italians and they are so passionate about their food and wine. And yes, they have strong hand gestures too! LOL!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
HI Honey! So you are more italian then me i understand!
Beautiful inspiration!
thanks dear
Happy Week sweetie
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Thanks dear Maggie
great post!
great post!
yum!! Italian is one of my favorites!
xo Jaime
Thanks Jaime
Delicious italian food that everybody loves!
Have a great start of the week 🙂
:)) thank you
Oh my gosh that looks absolutely delicious!
Raindrops of Sapphire – Personal blog
I adore italian food! Everything here looks extremely appetizing!
Me too, it was yum
Congratulations for this post! Italia is a very fantastic place! Have a nice day, kisses,
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Ops, I forgotten…..I hate Toto Cutugno!!! Ahahahahah!!!!
hahah 😀 why ?
Ops, I forgotten…..I hate Toto Cutugno!!! Ahahahahah!!!!
What an informative and interesting post, Cvety! I love all things Italian and believe it or not, that song “L’Italiano” is one of my favorite Italian songs! Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂
What an informative and interesting post, Cvety! I love all things Italian and believe it or not, that song “L’Italiano” is one of my favorite Italian songs! Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂
It’s pleasure to me, thank you for your visit and comment Ivete
great post!ª 😀
great post!ª 😀
Yummy, I love Italian food
Yummy, I love Italian food
Me too
Italy is amongst the places I’d love to visit! Thanks for this post!
Italy is amongst the places I’d love to visit! Thanks for this post!
:)) My pleasure hun
Nice post. I love Italian food and some of Italian designers, not all:) your food pictures made me really really hungry.
:)) Thanks for the honest comment
Awesome post, omg Im sooo craving pizza right now!!!
Thanks Anna
I love Italy and Italian food!
I loooovvveeee Italy.
Wendy from http://collegecheese.com
me too
Wow!! amazing pics!! I’m really in love with Italy and overall, the italian food!! kisses!!
Thank Pilar
OMG, I’m Italian and I loved your point of view about my Country! 😉
:))) Thanks Giovanna
Lovely post! I like it very much 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂
Love Emina
-> New post is up – Check it out – I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
My pleasure Emina
Wow looks awesome!
Little Moon Elephant
:)) Thanks a lot
Great idea for a blog post. Italian culture is amazing. My father was born and grew up in Sicily so I grew up with a very Italian culture. The food and clothing and lifestyle is the best. However now I have a chinese girlfriend so my life is very much chinese 😀 I really enjoyed this post
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! Appreciate it! xx
Seems delicious!
aw it was 🙂 thanks
Italia is my new dream, Toscane, Florence, Milan, Venise… I want to see everything!
:))) Yes, beautiful places
this made me so hungry :O
Oh my gosh, this all looks utterly delicious! The creamy details in particular are making me crave something tasty to eat haha. I love the lighting in this post by the way, it’s so cosy! 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
:))) thanks Gabrielle for the honest comment
Now I want right now such a pizza 🙂
xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
haha at me moment- me tooo 😀 Thanks
Yum! What a great post I love different cuisines from all over the world!
:))) Thanks for the comment
Italian food is the best 😀
But we like also international food 🙂
PS: New Logo and new graphic for the blog of The Lunch Girls: tell us if you like it! 🙂
The Lunch Girls
:)) I’m totally agree
Thanks for the lovely comment Shannon
:)) me too, thanks for the comment
I am inspired by the photos and It makes me want to go back to italY for a long tour! I love the food in Italy, the architecture, and the people, I also love the siesta!
xx, Elle
:)) It is amazing place indeed
:)) It is amazing place indeed