Hello fellas :)) A long time since I share some interesting recipe with you. I’m not a fan of desserts, but I wanted to try the notorious Chia Seed Pudding and so I decided to do. I want to share with you that this recipe is my personal and although searched and read a lot on the internet, did not use ready-made recipes.
Also tell you that this is a superb breakfast and great dessert.
Здравейте, приятели :)) От доста време не съм споделяла някоя интересна рецепта с вас. Изобщо не съм фен на десертите, но исках да опитам прословутия чия пудинг и така реших да си направя. Държа да споделя с вас, че тази рецепта си е лично моя и въпреки че търсих и четох много в интернет, не се възползвах от готови рецепти.
Чия пудинга е както идеалната закуска, така и страхотен десерт.

– 300 – 350 ml milk (I used cow milk – 1,5%) , also can put almond milk or coconut
– Chia Seeds
– 1 banana
– maple syrup
– cinnamon
– jar or box that can be closed
For decoration: oats, strawberries, banana, peeled almonds, coconut, etc.
– 300 – 350 мл. мляко ( аз използвах краве 1,5%), може да се сложи бадемово мляко или кокосово
– семена от чия
– 1 банан
– кленов сироп
– канела
– бурканче или кутия, която може да се затвори.
За декорация на пудинга може да използвате каквото обичате, чисто въображение – овесени ядки, ягоди, белени бадеми, банан, кокос и т.н.

Put the milk and banana in a blender until you make a milkshake. Then add maple syrup to sweeten (according to your taste) and sprinkle with cinnamon. Stirring until a homogeneous mixture.
Слагате в блендер млякото и банана, докато се получи млечен шейк. След това добавяме кленов сироп, за да подслади (според вкуса ви) и поръсваме с канела. Бъркаме докато се получи хомогенна смес.

Pour into a jar or box with a lid, then put Chia seeds. I put about 6 tablespoons. Close the jar and start shake it to mix well. The more you stir, the better. I closed it and put it in the refrigerator. Usually it must sit 4 hours to allow the seeds to soak and swell, but even better is to stay the night. I personally took the second option.
Изсипваме в бурканчето или кутийка с капаче,после слагаме семена от чия. Аз сложих около 6 супени лъжици. След което затваряме буркана и започваме да го разклащаме, за да се разбъркат добре. Колкото повече се смесят, толкова по-добре. Затваряме го добре и слагаме в хладилника. Попринцип трябва да седи 4 часа, за да може семената да попият и да набъбнат, но още по-добре е да остане за през ноща. Аз лично се възползвах от втория вариант.

Once the pudding is ready, pick a cup in which to serve. And here comes our imagination. I started with a little oats to the bottom, a strawberry of the walls and next some of the pudding. Then I put line banana slices and then again Chia seed pudding, strawberry and sliced peeled almonds. Then remains only to enjoy the taste!
След като е готов пудингът, си избираме чашка, в която да го сервираме. И тук идва нашето въображение. Аз започнах с малко овесени ядки на дъното, ягодка на стените и отгоре пудинга от чия. След това сложих ред бананови резенчета и после пак чия пудинг, ягодка и филирани белени бадеми. После остана само да се насладя на вкуса му!

Уау, Цвети, звучи толкова вкусно! И да ти кажа рецептата не изглежда никак трудна, както си мислех в началото, че ще бъде. Мерси за идеята, бих си направила за закуска през уикенда. Само да те попитам откъде купуваш семената и кленовия сироп?
Сани, има ги почти навсякъде в хипермаркетите. Огромен избор, особено на семена има и много био продукти :))
Мерси, ще потърся! 🙂
Мерси, ще потърся! 🙂
This looks so good! I must try it!
:)) It is really delish, I made it every day and eat for a breakfast 🙂
Супер рецепта. Определено ще я опитам в най-скоро време 🙂
Заслужава си, много вкусно и полезно :)) Аз вече всяка сутрин това закусвам 🙂
Звучи супер, ще го пробвам тези дни 🙂
Дам, много вкусно и полезно 🙂
This one looks absolutely amazing and I’m sure it tastes even better. It shall be tried very soon :))
:)) it is a perfect breakfast
So beautiful recipe Cvetina! Have a nice day, kisses (and thank you for your visit),
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Thank you Eni, have a great day!
Awesome recipe! Sounds and looks so healthy and delicious! Thank you so much for sharing! And by the way: did you reduce the picture sizes? Cause it’s loading faster :-))
♘ http://www.sugarpopfashion.com ♘
Hey, thanks for the comment! My pictures sizes are reduced, i didn’t upload big size pictures never…
It looks so healthy and yummy 🙂
Thanks dear
Ама,че вкусотия <3 :))
thanks :*
This looks soo yummy, have to try it!! x
Thanks Bibi
I once had a friend make this for me and it was really good!!!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
:)) it is amazing healthy dessert
Oh, this looks so delicious . http://sophialastyles.blogspot.co.uk/
looks delicious 🙂
thank you
Looks good!
Looks good!
Love it!
Thanks dear
It looks delicious!!!!
Happy wed doll!
My Facebook
It looks delicious!!!!
Happy wed doll!
My Facebook
thanks dear
This looks so yummy and so healthy! I need that right this minute!
:)) it is really great dessert
i love all kind of smoothies and this is incredible. Looks so good and I can only imagine how it tastes.
:)) It is so delish
How yummy! And it must be so healthy too! Thanks for sharing!And thanks for the adorable comments on my blog too! 😉
My pleasure Jeanne
Yummy! I seen this on your instagram and it looks delicious!
:)) Thank you Simera
Oh, wow! This looks so delicious and nutritious. Have a great week!
xo Brighton
🙂 Thanks dear
The perfect healthy and delicious dessert!!! <3
:)) Thanks
I love your recipe posts, Cvetina, the food always looks delicious. I really need to try experimenting a little bit more in the kitchen! 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
Thank you so much Gabrielle
OMG! Your pictures made me starving! I have to try make it, thanks for the recipe:)
:)) my pleasure
so yummy x
Wow this is my food for sure. This looks so yummy. Thank you for sharing with us. Kiss,
My pleasure, beautiful Mel
Wow, never heard of this. Looks and sounds delicious.
🙂 thank you
I need to try this.. it looks super healthy!
xo Jaime
Thanks Jaime, it is very healthy
This looks amazing Cvety!! We have to give it a try now. Thanks love
xx 365Hangers
🙂 My pleasure, I’m happy you like it
Oh wow, this looks so yummy! I’ll have to make this for myself! x
I’ve been looking for new recipes and these look so delicious. Thank you for sharing, I cannot wait to try them.
My pleasure, i’m happy you like it
This looks AMAZING! I personally also am not a fan of dessert but I need to try this! I will opt for honey instead of maple syrup cause that’s what I have. Thank you for this recipe and I can’t wait to try this!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
:)) Yes it was change with honey too, thanks for remind me , i forgot to write it 🙂
It looks yummy. Can’t wait to try it. Thank you for sharing:)
My pleasure:))
beautiful recipe.
bloglovin follower
Thanks dear
Mmmm..that looks so delicious.
March and May
thank you dear
I have not tried this at all, but I do like chia seeds. Looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 <3
Foodie Style
:)) I’m happy that you like it
I’ve just found your blog and I think it’s really inspiring, it will be an honor for me if you can visit mine too, and if you want to follow, it will be a pleasure to follow you back! 🙂 <3!
By the way I am having a cute giveaway on my blog, you can win a lollipop necklace, I hope you join and If you do, good luck, I hope you win! <3
Fashion gets Fierce.
Fashion gets Fierce Giveaway.
Thanks for the comment, i will check out your blog dear
This looks yummy! Oh I’ve always wanted to try the chia seed pudding given how nutritious it is. AndI love the almond + strawberry topping, even all the better! 🙂 Xo~ Lena
Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you like it! xx
Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you like it! xx
I have to try dear! Precious recipe <3
Thank you hun
Thank you hun
Wow this looks amazing!! Love how healthy it is 🙂
:)) I love this too
:)) I love this too
I think that chia seeds are most awesome that nature could give us. I used to add them to my breakfast smoothies and it was so filling!
Great recipe!
Yes, this is so true, i can’t live without chia seeds
Yes, this is so true, i can’t live without chia seeds
This looks delicious!
xx cara
Thanks Cara
Thanks Cara
Looks so delicious!!!
Thank you
Thank you
Hi sweetie
It looks delicious
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Thanks Maggie
Thanks Maggie
This looks super tasty and really easy to make! I think I may have to try it, it’s a great idea for a healthy dessert 🙂
Yes, it is a perfect dessert or breakfast
Yes, it is a perfect dessert or breakfast
This looks so yummy..
This looks so yummy..
thank you
Chia seeds are one of my favorite things to use in my smoothies. This looks delicious!
:))) Thanks dear
:))) Thanks dear
The recipe looks delicious and easy to make which is great! I know for a fact that chia seed are super nutritious but making a pudding has never occurred to me. I eat the seeds raw. I take a spoonful of the seeds and place them in my mouth and chew them until they all disappear:-) But making a tasty pudding sounds great and maybe it may be something my daughter will be willing to try (she is super picky!) The illustration on your post was excellent. Thanks for sharing! XOXO, Jeannette
The recipe looks delicious and easy to make which is great! I know for a fact that chia seed are super nutritious but making a pudding has never occurred to me. I eat the seeds raw. I take a spoonful of the seeds and place them in my mouth and chew them until they all disappear:-) But making a tasty pudding sounds great and maybe it may be something my daughter will be willing to try (she is super picky!) The illustration on your post was excellent. Thanks for sharing! XOXO, Jeannette
Aw I’m happy that you like it! I put chia seeds to my smoothies too 🙂 But never tried direct in my mouth 🙂
Aw I’m happy that you like it! I put chia seeds to my smoothies too 🙂 But never tried direct in my mouth 🙂
Looks yummy and so healthy!!
Thanks Rosa
Thanks Rosa
Looks yummy and so healthy!!
I love chai puddings! I’ll add this one to my list to try, maybe over the weekend. Looks so good!
I love chai puddings! I’ll add this one to my list to try, maybe over the weekend. Looks so good!
Thank you Sonia
Thank you Sonia
i need!!! lovely post darling!!
Elizabeth Bailey fashion Blog
i need!!! lovely post darling!!
Elizabeth Bailey fashion Blog
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
Yummy yummy! I love dessert and I looooove Chia pudding. It’s so simple, but so good! It’s also really good with matcha powder, soy milk, and maple syrup 🙂
Jasmin xx
Yummy yummy! I love dessert and I looooove Chia pudding. It’s so simple, but so good! It’s also really good with matcha powder, soy milk, and maple syrup 🙂
Jasmin xx
Aw sounds good, I will try it.
Aw sounds good, I will try it.
Yummy! I want to make this
:)) Try it
:)) Try it
Yummy! I want to make this
wooow cvety..This looks so simple to make..I think i can try it out 😀
wooow cvety..This looks so simple to make..I think i can try it out 😀
:)) Try it, it’s amazing on a taste
:)) Try it, it’s amazing on a taste
I´ll definitely try this out! I looks so yummy!
Love Emina
-> New post is up – Check it out – I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
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I´ll definitely try this out! I looks so yummy!
Love Emina
-> New post is up – Check it out – I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
Instagram: http://instagram.com/eminamasovic
Bloglovin: https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12856043
:)) Thanks beautiful
:)) Thanks beautiful
That looks amazing! I love chia seed pudding – we make it at my children’s cooking school a lot! Will have to try it like this, just beautiful 🙂
My Closet Life Blog
:)) I’m glad that you like it, thanks.
:)) I’m glad that you like it, thanks.
It looks so deliciuos!!
thanks dear
thanks dear
I’ve never actually tried chia seeds, looks really good! X
eleanor’s adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog
thanks, they are so healthy, i can’t live without them..
thanks, they are so healthy, i can’t live without them..
:)) Thanks Melody
:)) Thanks Shannon, I’m happy you like it
looks super yummy 🙂 nice recipe Cvety 🙂
looks super yummy 🙂 nice recipe Cvety 🙂
thanks dear
wow, that looks delish and so good for you! Love the look of it too, good to have oats and strawberries with it, and cinnamon, too! Thanks for sharing!
xx, Elle
My pleasure dear
Looks really good and super easy!
:)) Yes it is very easy to do
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog love! Love this. It sounds amazing xx
🙂 thank you
This looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing!!
My pleasure dear
This looks delicious!!!
Love, Wendy from http://collegecheese.com
thanks dear
I need to try this, Cvety! Lately I’m so into Chia pudding. Haha! ;D
xoxo Ira