I asked a friend – Do you know how to choose a good, ripe avocado in the market? and she said – should be soft. Yes, unlike many fruits and vegetables that we buy at the market and we strive to be fresh and hard, about the avocados is slightly different. To be edible, it should not be hard and green. It must be slightly softened and even with a little change of color, from fresh green to brown. Here’s an easy way to identify who fruit is “good”. Look at the handle of avocados. It should be dry. Remove it, you must see fresh and green place below it. If it is brown and shriveled, it means the fruit has spent much time in the shop and is not good for consumption. I found a picture from the Internet and you can see the difference :)) If you want to learn about the benefits of avocados click here: http://cvetybaby.com/guacamole/
Попитах една приятелка – знае ли как да си избере добро авокадо от магазина и тя отвърна – трябва да е меко.. Да, за разлика от много плодове и зеленчуци, които купуваме в магазина и се стремим да са свежи и твърди, при авокадото е малко по-различно. За да е годно за консумация, то не трябва да е твърдо и зелено, а леко омекнало и дори малко да си е променило свежият зелен цвят към кафеникав. Ето и един лесен начин да разпознаете, кой плод е “добър”. Погледнете дръжката на авокадото. Тя трябва да е изсъхнала и като я премахнете да се види свежо и зелено мястото под нея. Ако е кафяво и спаружено, то значи плода е прекарал много време в магазина и не е годен за консумация. Намерих ви нагледно една снимка от интернет :)) Ако искате да научите за ползите от авокадото натиснете тук: http://cvetybaby.com/guacamole/

I hope I’ve been useful :)) /
Надявам се да съм била полезна :))

Nice post
Thanks Mel
Thanks Mel
great post! I love avocado! kiss
thanks love
thanks love
Great post, love avocados and never thought about removing the handle to determine if it is ripe or bad.
:))) It is very easy now
:))) It is very easy now
Very useful information as I had no idea how to estimate the ripeness of avocados.
🙂 Thanks
🙂 Thanks
Haha love this! I love avocados!! x
Thanks Bibi
Thanks Bibi
Oh my gosh, that cartoon is ridiculously cute haha! I have never tried avocado, but that’s got to change at some point!
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
Haha I know that, u told me before :)) Avocados are very healthy and delish 🙂 u definitely must try them
Haha I know that, u told me before :)) Avocados are very healthy and delish 🙂 u definitely must try them
This is a great guide! Now I just need to get my hands on some avocados!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
:))) Thanks Melanie
:))) Thanks Melanie
This is awesome! I always get so annoyed when the inside is brown.
xo Jaime
Now it is so easy to buy a ripe avocado
Now it is so easy to buy a ripe avocado
Никога не съм знаела как да купувам авокадо, просто винаги взимам по-зеленото, та дори и ако трябва да чакам да узрее. Всъщност се сетих, че ако е съвсем леко омекнало, значи е готово за консумация. Ще опитам това с дръжката. Мерси, Цвети! 🙂
Да, доста полезна информация и аз бях много ентусиазирана да пробвам след като научих за пръв път. Винаги взимах или прекалено зелено или прекалено меко, а аз попринцип купувам по 4, 5 броя .. ии си е кофти, ако са прекалено узрели ..
Да, доста полезна информация и аз бях много ентусиазирана да пробвам след като научих за пръв път. Винаги взимах или прекалено зелено или прекалено меко, а аз попринцип купувам по 4, 5 броя .. ии си е кофти, ако са прекалено узрели ..
Great suggestions! I love avocados but not very skillful on purchasing a good one! Great insightful tips! 🙂 xo~ Lena
Thanks for your comment Lena
Thanks for your comment Lena
Aww, so interesting! Thanks for sharing!!
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled
with tons of love because you deserve it!
Much love, Vanessa
Aww, so interesting! Thanks for sharing!!
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled
with tons of love because you deserve it!
Much love, Vanessa
My pleasure
My pleasure
Very useful tips! I love avocados, but it’s hard to find good ones here in Italy.
Bella Pummarola
Very useful tips! I love avocados, but it’s hard to find good ones here in Italy.
Bella Pummarola
Thanks Anett. Why it’s hard?
Thanks Anett. Why it’s hard?
Facebook: The Fashion Wings by Elisabetta Rossi
Facebook: The Fashion Wings by Elisabetta Rossi
lol thanks for sharing! I love avocado <3
lol thanks for sharing! I love avocado <3
My pleasure
My pleasure
Avocados are my favorite! Thanks for this useful post 🙂
Chowing Down by the Bay
:)) My pleasure
Oh that’s great, about removing the handle, did not know it!! Thanks!!
:))) My pleasure Rosa
This is a complicated subject! Here there are completely different types of avocado – brown and green and they have different origin. I noticed that some avocados have these brown threads inside, which apparently are the fiber. They are visible on the avocado fruit coming from a young tree. Unfortunately, the trade market can’t wait, so they start selling the fruit from young plants, although it should take 3-4 years to start producing proper avocados with consistent flesh.
Yes, you are right. I had quite forgotten that I saw here an other variety of avocado and it was with brown crust. Very interesting, I’m glad you said that.
This is a complicated subject! Here there are completely different types of avocado – brown and green and they have different origin. I noticed that some avocados have these brown threads inside, which apparently are the fiber. They are visible on the avocado fruit coming from a young tree. Unfortunately, the trade market can’t wait, so they start selling the fruit from young plants, although it should take 3-4 years to start producing proper avocados with consistent flesh.
Thanks for this! Although I don’t use that as my only method of determining of the ripeness.
I swear, when you cut it in half and it is perfectly ripe, it can honestly be the best thing!!
I agree with you.. :))))